Page 57 of Degrees of Control

So you fucked up. Good thing you’re great at apologizing, Bell.

She stepped forward and wrapped her arms around James’ torso. He didn’t pull away. Charlie looked up and offered him an apologetic smile. “I’m sorry for not taking the Hawthorn threat seriously. I’m glad you were here. I would have been scared if that happened while I was alone. And I do love your caveman stuff. In the bedroom, where it belongs.”Not that we ever have sex in a bedroom…

To her infinite pleasure, James reached down and brushed the hair from her eyes. “I’m sorry for being an asshole, Blue-Eyes. I just don’t want you to get hurt.”

“I know. Thanks for looking out for me.”

“Anytime.” He picked her up, cradling her around his waist. “I’m staying the night.”

Delight fizzed through Charlie’s veins like lemonade and she hated herself a little bit for it. “I don’t need a guardian, James.”

“Yeah, you do, you need one every minute you live here.”

“Well, what if I’ve decided it’s my fantasy to kick you out of my apartment?”

James bent down and sank his teeth into her neck. “Then I’ll keep you busy all night, darlin’. You won’t ever want to get rid of me.”

Chapter 14

James scowled at the sunlight streaming through his bedroom window. How late had he slept? And why was he wrapped up in some kind of net? He shook his face trying to remove the clinging strands, and the person in his arms hummed. Instantly, the disorientation lifted and everything made sense. He’d stayed at Charlotte’s place; he was in Charlotte’s bed and Charlotte’s hair was twisted around his face. They’d collapsed in here at some god-awful hour last night, exhausted from fucking. He flexed his fingers, trying to pump blood back into his arms, and waited for the usual irritation that accompanied spooning to surface. Nothing.

Well, all right then. Fine. Good.

James returned his right arm to where it had been, cupping Charlotte’s full, warm breasts. In the dim light he could finally see her room properly. It was nicer than the rest of the apartment; the old as shit wallpaper was camouflaged with framed photos and brightly-colored paintings. There were a ton of books and candles and her sheets were deep blue with lotuses printed on them. For some reason he found that charming. Without thinking, James pulled her closer to his chest and she made a soft, musical sound, like an orca calling to its mate. He smiled and it wasn’t until his mouth relaxed that he realized he’d been clenching his jaw.

Calm down, asshole. You’re with her.

But he couldn’t. He’d crashed out in plenty of strange places and woken up next to plenty of strange women, but not like this. He could give a girl his body, his cock, but spooning fell under the banner of “invading my personal space.” He was nothing if not generous that way. And yet he had to admit it felt pretty fucking nice having Charlotte pressed against him. She was soft and warm and it felt like he was protecting her from some unknown threat.

Which is ironic because the only thing she needs protection from is you, Jimmy-Boy.

“Hey, stranger.” Charlotte’s voice was thick and adorable. He leaned forward and kissed her temple. “Go back to sleep, darlin’.”Don’t you know the sooner you wake up, the sooner I’m gonna leave?

But Charlotte’s blue eyes fluttered open. “I can’t go back to sleep. I usually get up early and meditate. What’s your excuse?”

“Grew up on a ranch.”

“Of course you did, cowboy.”

She wriggled around in his arms until they were face-to-face. “Do you want breakfast or a shower or something?”

She was giving him an out, knowing in her strange Charlotte way that he felt uneasy in her bed. James knew heshouldgo home and change for work, but his mind was fixated on other things. The feel of her dark hair running itself across his bare chest, the way the weak sunlight turned her eyes navy and her well-kissed mouth into a big, ripe rosebud.

She smiled. “What?”

You look like my birthday.James put a hand through her curls and let the strands filter through his fingers. “Your hair, it’s so thick.”

Charlotte blushed. “My grandmother had hair like this. I think I get it from her.”

He kissed her because he fucking had to, and within seconds he was on top of her, the feel of her body beneath him drowning out every other thought. They kissed for an eternity, until she was squirming beneath him.

“Do you want to?” she asked. “Do we have time?”

He put his mouth to her neck and inhaled her warm, sweet scent. “I’ve always got time for you, Blue-Eyes. Besides, I’m the boss, remember?”

She laughed and James reached up and snagged a condom from the box on Charlotte’s bedside table. It was already open when they came in here last night and the knowledge filled him with hot, inexplicable energy. He was pretty sure he was the only guy she’d been with since her relationship ended, which meant the condoms were from her ex.

Think again, Jimmy-Boy. That asshole fucked her bare, probably in the missionary position with his eyes full of reverent tears.