More pulsing energy flooded into his system. Had Charlottesaidhe was the best lay she’d ever had or was that just wishful thinking? He gave her rough sex, but did she miss a more refined kind of fucking? Was that what he was meant to do for her now?
Paranoid thoughts swelled inside him, leading him back where he never wanted to go. Acrylic nails trailing down his cheek, a familiar voice crooning in his ear.You’re so sexy. I wanted this so bad.
Goddamn it, enough.
He looked down at Charlotte who smiled at him in sweet anticipation, completely unaware he was so fucked-up inside. He could satisfy her. Better than any of the assholes that came before him and not just when it came to kink. If she wanted to make love in bed early in the morning, bring it the fuck on. It was selfish and vain, but he was going to be the best fuck Charlotte ever had. For the rest of her life boyfriends were gonna be compared to him and fall short. James seized his cock, trailing the head through her pussy.
“You wet enough, or do you want me to eat you first?”
She grabbed his ass and tried to force him inside her. “Please, just be inside me, James.”
He chuckled. Charlotte always let her eagerness show. He liked that about her more than he could say. “You’re so impatient, Blue-Eyes, makes me feel like I didn’t lay you right last night.”
“You did, I just want more. I always want more.”
See? Nothing to worry about, asshole.
James eased himself inside her, trying to be mindful of the fact that she’d gotten sore last night. Her cunt fluttered around him and he groaned, pressing his mouth to her neck. He kept his pace steady, trying not to go too fast or crush her under his weight.
This feels way, way too good.
Unlike his usual morning sex, there was no hangover dulling the feel of her beneath him. Everything was fresh and new in the light of dawn and their bodies were joined together like one complete thing. It was wrong, having dinner with Charlotte, staying the night, screwing her under the covers like a couple trying to make a baby, but even as doubts appeared, they drained away. He had to be here, he’d fight anyone to stay inside Charlotte right now. She was the only thing that mattered.
“James, can you hold me down?”
“Anything you want. Anything.”
He seized her delicate wrists and pulled them over her head, pinning them with one hand. Charlotte’s inner muscles clamped around him, as though she was determined to draw the come up from his balls.
“Oh Lord. Tell me you’re close, sweetheart?”
Her eyes were wild. Desperate. “I’m so close, please keep going. I need you.”
I need you.
The words went straight to his dick, filling him with a strange spiraling warmth. Gritting his teeth, he moved against her in that same excruciatingly slow rhythm, thinking about nothing, willing his body to continue. When she cried out and went taut as a bow against him, he collapsed on top of her, finding his own release in a few messy strokes. As soon as he was done, he rolled onto his back and tugged off the condom.
Charlotte held out her hand. “Here, let me have it.”
He eyed her pert ass as she left the room, and her tits as she returned. When she crawled back under the covers, he pulled her into his arms and she snuggled into him like it wasn’t anything at all.God, she’s so fucking sweet.
He lay there for a while, watching the way her head rose and fell with his chest. He liked her, he was man enough to admit that. It wasn’t every day you found a woman so cute and warm and crazy in the sack. He could sleep in her bed and give her a few hugs after sex. It wasn’t that big of a fucking deal. She certainly didn’t act like it was.
Charlotte planted a kiss on his sternum. “Do you want breakfast?”
“What do vegans eat for breakfast?”
She laughed. “I’m sorry, words like vegan shouldn’t come out of your mouth. You should only say things like ‘home on the range’.”
James bit her shoulder. “C’mon, brat, answer the question.”
“Do you want pancakes?”
“Well, hell yeah, Blue-Eyes. How long you been a vegan for anyway?”
She shrugged. “About three years. My sister’s an environmental scientist and the more she told me about growth hormones and factory farms, the worse I felt. In the end it was easier to not eat meat than to eat it.”
“Huh. More power to you I guess.”