“You’re a demon. I bet you can keep up.”

A chuckle escapes me. She’s fire all right. We head to her room and she all but wrenches the door off its hinges. She strides inside, then starts to pace.

I stop. “Whoa. What’s wrong?”

“Everything,” she whispers, “everything. I don’t know what I’m doing, what to do…”

“Hey.” I stand in the way of her pacing, catch her wrists. “It’s going to be okay. You’re worried, I get it, but you—”

“Let me go,” she snarls, trying to free her wrists.

“You sure?” I drag her closer, against my chest, and damn, every touch feels so good. “I thought you were coming on to me.”

“I’m not. I’m here to hurt you.”

I grin. “How refreshing.”

“It’s not. Let go, Rys.”

I let her go. “If you want to hurt me, then do it. Do your worst.”

“You don’t mean that,” she says.

“I’m a demon.”

“You’ve said that plenty of times.”

I smirk. “Then you should know that pain coming from you is pleasure for me.”

“God, you’re so…” She waves her hands in the air.

“Handsome? Sexy? Bad?”

“So confusing,” she breathes.

“Really? I think it’s very straightforward. I’m a demon and I like pain mixed with my pleasure. I like girls, though boys can also do in a pinch. And I want you.”

“No, you don’t.”

“Here we go again,” I say. “Thing is, like I said before, s—”

“Don’t even think about it.”

My smirk widens. “About what?”

“Sayingsex. Talking aboutsexbusiness.”

“It’s not business. I can’t fucking help wanting you, girl.”

She shakes her head. “I don’t care. It’s not happening again. I told you.”

But she’s looking at me from under her lashes, her cheeks pink, her eyes glittering like dark gems. Her mouth trembles.

She does care. A lot.

Which is part of what makes her so fascinating, these constant contradictions, this vulnerability covered up with strength and confidence, this sexual spark that begs to be fanned and that she keeps suppressing like it’s something bad that needs expiation.

Needless to say, me and churches don’t get along. We’re not best friends or even acquaintances. It’s not the buildings I object to—although their architectural style is questionable if you ask me—or even what they represent. It’s the small-minded people who use churches and God as an excuse to judge others and inflict punishment on those with different opinions that bother me.