What a fucking bad idea. I keep losing sense of the goddamn boundaries with her, keep letting my guard down. Sooner or later, this will come back to bite me in the ass, and how. It will be epic. In a fucking bad way.

Witches don’t shock me, either, but I’m concerned about this stupid prophecy or whatever you wanna call it. Recurrent event? Recurrent catastrophe? What’s up with the witches and their desire to take over the world, huh? Why do they have to be like everyone else? We demons want to take over the world, too, but hey, at least we’re already in hell.

At least, Sindri seems convinced this book matters, and it agrees with what I felt in my bones when I held it in my hands, when I read those words.

An unwelcome shiver travels down my spine. I’m not scared of many things. In fact, I can count them on one hand.

My memories. My nightmares. My curse. My strange feelings for Mia.

And now this story about the Queen bitch. It gives me the creeps. The part about the familiars? It flashes me right back to the pits with the leashes and the whips, the pain and the dark despair. It became a part of me, the pain. It excites me sometimes, gets me off.

But the despair, the helplessness? Can’t let this happen, not again. Not to me. I’m never going back, even if I inherit the Royal fucking House of Arij as is my filial right. A house of psychos. Not that unusual for demons, but this demon has had enough nightmares to last a lifetime.

Before Mia arrived, I never even knew the pain could stop even for a second. Before Mia—

“Rys. You listening?” Ashton says.

I look up. “Huh?”

“We lost you there for a minute. You okay?”

“Yeah… Fine.” I swallow hard. “What?”

“Can you escort Mia to her room? Unless she wants to stay—?”

“No,” she says, “I’m going. Sorry, but you’ll have to make do on your own tonight. Or maybe all of you together, why not?”

I frown. “Mia, what—?”

“Because I won’t have sex with you. Enough. I’m not in the sex business.” She glares in Sindri’s direction. “I’m a witch, not a whore. Remember that,fey, and all of you.”

Ashton swears. “Nobody said you’re a whore. Mia—”

“Tell that to him.” She nods at Sindri who doesn’t seem perturbed at all, and heads out.

“What the fuck did you tell her?” I growl at him and he shrugs. “Dickface.”

“Go away, Rys,” he mutters.

“I’m going. Just saying, man. Maybe you’ve been an asshole one time too many, ya know?”

The air around him seems to distort for a moment, shimmering, pulsing. Ashton curses under his breath, Jason growls something unintelligible.

Then it fades and Sindri closes his eyes. “Make sure she’s all right.”

“After you hurt her? Sure. Will do.” I turn to go. “And I didn’t need your goddamn counsel for that.”

She’s marching toward the girls’dormitories like a small torpedo, all grim purpose and dark, flying hair. I grin as I jog after her. The full moon surge is still humming under my skin, making all my scars and old breaks ache, but I can’t complain for being in charge of her today.

I need time alone with her.

I need to have her.

It doesn’t make a lick of sense why I’m so drawn to her. It’s not magic. I’d feel that. It’s as if every curve and every line of her body, every flick of her dark eyes and every flicker of her smile set me on fire.

A good sort of fire. And I’m the expert in burning flames.

I catch up with her on the stairs. “Wait up.”