Page 93 of The Rebel Guardian

Chapter Nineteen

Energy cracked out of the witch’s hands, coming for me with the force of a lightning strike.

Gladys seemed to move against my palms, bringing them up above my chest so she caught the hit, absorbing the energy. I had to stand firm or the blowback would have knocked me off my feet.

Something had happened to my sword since the last time I’d held her. She was more powerful than before.

I couldn’t hear her speaking with words in my head, but she was absolutely communicating. I could feel her more strongly than I’d ever before. Her needs seemed to pulse out of her hilt and straight into my brain. She wanted to be primed. She wanted blood so she could unleash hell on our enemies. Magic was something she was normally defenseless against, but she knew she could fight back now and she wanted to.

I shifted again, letting her take the lead so we repelled another lightning strike.

A horrible crashing sound shook the place even as I realized if I hit the next strike just the right way, I could blow it back to her. A howling rendered the air around me, but I focused on my opponent.

The next time she sent a bolt my way, Gladys and I moved as one and shot that fucker right back her way.

The witch screamed as her own magic hit her, blowing her back out into the hall.

“Fen’s here.” Evan put the hellhound down and he jumped at her feet, little bursts of fire puffing from his mouth. Evan had grabbed a small lamp, fashioning a club out of it. “We need to get to him. He’s not great against magic. I doubt he has even a single talisman on him. We’re supposed to be safe here.”

They were supposed to be barely out of high schoolers out in the world starting their lives. Yes, they were supposed to be safe, but they’d lost that chance when they’d lost their parents, and I had to start making things right for the next generation.

And yes, I could hear that Fen had made his way inside from the strangled screams coming from the front rooms. I could also smell the brimstone that came with certain dark magic and knew the most powerful witches in the world were turning that magic on my son. Fen could likely tear his way through an army of wolves, but I didn’t know what he could do against pure dark magic. I needed to get out there to help him. “Stay behind me.”

I started to move out into the hallway. This was the very back of the apartment. No one could come up behind us, but once we passed the secondary bedrooms, I had to worry.

Of course first I had to worry about my front because the witch I’d blown away from me was on her feet again and trying something new. Out of pure instinct I glanced back to ensure I was covering Evan and a spell hit me, sending a wave of agony through my system. My spine went rigid, and I nearly lost my grip on Gladys. Every muscle seemed like it was on fire, and I had the sudden aching terror that this was happening to my baby, too.

Oh, goddess, I prayed my child couldn’t feel this awful pain.

This was the horror I’d been waiting for. I wasn’t the only one I put in danger’s way, but I had no choice, and I didn’t think I could have made another one even if I had. I couldn’t have ever run and left Evan and Fenrir here alone.

I had to fight to save us all.

The next spell was coming my way, and I could see the gleam in the witch’s eyes. She was enjoying this. She wanted to inflict pain.

I knew I wouldn’t move in time. My body was slowed by the last spell she’d attacked with. My muscles were coming back online, but I wouldn’t be fast enough.

Evan slammed into me and then ducked, the crackling ball of energy barely missing her as it crashed into the wall behind us.

Up ahead I could hear Liv screaming commands and Fenrir’s roar. The witch in the hallway was already getting to her feet, but Evan was faster. Evan leapt onto the witch, punching out with deadly aim. She caught the other female with a hard uppercut, and I heard the crunch of bones cracking, but the witch had a hand on Evan’s throat.

I could smell the beginnings of flesh burning, and I forced myself to my feet even as the witch started to gain the upper hand. She was beginning to turn Evan over when Puff jumped onto the back of her neck and set those needle-sharp puppy fangs on the witch’s neck.

She screamed, letting Evan go, and when she turned I struck. I rushed forward, catching her in the chest with Gladys and giving my sword even more magical power.

I don’t like to kill. I know that sounds wrong for a person who has to do it as much as I do, but it’s true. I don’t like it, but I’m forced to at times. I wished I could have saved her. I remembered her from the coffee shop. She’d been a smiling woman who made excellent banana bread and could brew a latte that would knock your socks off. If I’d had the time and resources, I would have captured her and figured out a way to reverse whatever she’d managed to do to herself because like Liv, she was covered in black veins. The demon blood would be somewhat like a drug. She would be addicted to it at this point. Like Liv.

But I had to save these kids. I had to save the one inside me. Evan’s throat was red, but she pushed herself off the ground and gave her puppy a pat.

“You did good, bud.” Evan’s voice was deeper than usual.

“Are you okay?” My pain had receded. “Can you breathe?”

She nodded. “Nothing a little vampire blood can’t fix. Kelsey, my dad sent blood. It can fix any injuries we take.”

“Yes, but that blood is in the medical lab.” I wasn’t about to leave it in our fridge. The medical lab’s fridge had a backup generator in case we lost power. “We need to move this fight out of the apartment and into the public spaces. Rose will have told security. They should be coming to help. When we get through this, I promise you’ll have all the blood you need.”

I jogged to the end of the hallway and saw that security was already here. Somehow Fenrir had gotten the door open, and it was a bloodbath.