Page 94 of The Rebel Guardian

Unfortunately, that blood was coming from both sides. I counted several of the Under’s security team on the floor and feared they wouldn’t rise again. But Rose had done her job and now we had a chance.

Liv stood on the big table in the dining room, sending out her spells in a way I’d never seen her do before. Bursts of energy came out of her, rolling through her arms like they were simply a part of her. She was graceful and moved with purpose as she took out her enemies.

Fenrir was a massive presence. Even in the majestic, palace-like apartment he looked oversized. He was just outside the great area we were in where the living room and dining room met and the hallways flowed to other parts of the apartment. He batted his big paws against some invisible barrier.

Liv had found a way to keep Fen out of this fight, and I needed him in it. He backed up and tried to jump over the barrier, his body leaping almost to the high ceiling, but he bounced right off whatever spell Liv had set.

“It won’t hold him forever, Calliope.” Liv jumped off the table, her stilettoed boots hitting the hardwood floors. “Find the fucking princess. We need to get out of here. Where is Talia?”

I suspected Talia was dead in the hallway, and I kind of thought I’d seen Puff peeing on her. We might need to worry about training the pup not to mark everywhere.

“Evan, I need you to hide until…” I turned and Evan was nowhere to be seen. Which would have been great if I’d thought for a second she’d decided to hide, but I knew better.

These kids didn’t sit on the sidelines, and it had been a long time since they’d been given a ton of parental advice when it came to battle. They wouldn’t hide and hope to be saved. They would take insane chances because in their world no one came to save them. In this world, they were the heroes and I was a newcomer they couldn’t trust completely yet.

“Why don’t you ask your friend.” Calliope pointed my way with a snarky expression on her face. “I thought you said you used ligainimicosmeos. Guess you’re losing your touch.”

Liv turned, a fierce frown on her face. “What the hell? How did you…” She shook her head as though it didn’t matter. She held her hands up and started in on the Latin.

I wasn’t about to take that a second time. I charged her and knocked her off balance. I twisted, trying to bring Gladys’s hilt down on her head but she kicked out, catching me in the knee and proving that she’d taken some combat classes.

When we were a team, she’d always let me handle the physical stuff.

Pain flared through me, but I was used to ignoring pain. The problem was I didn’t want to kill her. I wanted to incapacitate her. My bestie needed to spend some time in magical rehab, and today was intervention day.

A thick book came right for my head, but I managed to duck it along with a couple of knives. Liv was far better at telekinesis than she had been. She’d been studying up on everything except how to be a good person and not an evil one.

I did not manage to duck whatever piece of fire Liv sent my way. It singed my shoulder, burning the shirt I wore and singeing my skin. I hissed against the pain but kept moving.

Three more witches entered the scene, and it looked like they’d called in the cavalry.

If they surrounded me they could take me apart, could literally pull me limb from limb without ever laying a hand on me.

I could feel the tingles of someone trying to get in my head.

I slammed the wall down and a petite witch cried out.

“Don’t try that with her,” Liv warned. “Her head is too thick to get into. Concentrate on keeping that fucking wolf out of here and off my back.”

Fenrir seemed to hear her and bounced against some invisible wall, trying to get to his prey.

“You can’t win this one, Kelsey,” Liv said, her dark eyes glowing. “I know you’re good with that sword, but I have the master’s power. We all have demonic magic, and you’re nothing more than muscle with a shiny sword at this point.”

I lunged her way, wanting to show her exactly how good I could be with a sword, but that was the moment she shimmered in and out, losing her corporeal body for just long enough to avoid the pointy end of Gladys.

Frustration welled. We were in close quarters and I still couldn’t physically overpower her. That would change soon, though. “When Fenrir gets through that wall, you’re all going to be in trouble.”

It looked like Fen had already taken out a couple of the witches. There were a few bodies in the living room and a shit ton of blood Eddie was going to spend days cleaning. Maybe Tix had some tips on how to get witch blood out of Victorian era rugs.

“You should go back through those paintings again before he breaks down that wall of yours.” I didn’t want to let her go, but I did want to keep the body count down.

A snarl brought Liv’s lip up. “Do you think I’m doing this for me? I rather thought I was being a good friend and not killing your son. But hey, I like to do what you want.”

She brought her hand up and suddenly there was a popping sound and Fen was through. He charged toward the dining room, his mouth coming open and fangs showing.

“Make him hurt, ladies,” Liv ordered.

Fen was in mid leap when they caught him. Three witches had managed to triangulate around him, and their magic trapped him midair, making his body twist in obvious agony.