Page 58 of Kismet

“The case is against my nemesis. And it involves the part of the population least able to defend itself.”

“How tempted are you to return?”

“I don’t know.” She watched Ellie eat another cookie. “Teague and I have decided to give a relationship a shot, and it seems I’ve fallen in love with your nephew.”

“I suspected as much.” She folded her hands on her desk. “Do you think that you have to give up one to have the other?”

“A little.” She pulled a loose string on her sweater. “I wouldn’t know how to do both.”

Ellie nodded. “I think it never hurts to have a conversation.”

“Are you referring to Gretchen or Teague?”

“Both. Let Teague know what’s happening and ask Gretchen to give you an outline of what she’s looking for.” She tilted her head. “Are you itching to try the case or just be a part of the team that wins a billion-dollar judgment?”

“I haven’t given it much thought.”

“Now would be a good time to do that. Because Teague deserves to know what you’re thinking, and Gretchen won’t wait for an answer forever.”

She stared at her hands. “I know our work here is just as important as going after a Goliath drug company. Helping people stay in their homes and fight wrongful termination can’t be undervalued. And protecting people from an abusive spouse or significant other is probably the most valuable thing I do.”

“If you choose to return to DC, you don’t need to defend your choice or explain it to anyone.” Ellie leaned forward. “All that matters is that you are being true to yourself. Because you have to look in the mirror every day and be comfortable with who is looking back. I know how much losing the case cost you and if you want to have another run at the dragon, then do it.”

Swallowing heavily, she nodded. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

She pushed herself to her feet. “I will give it some thought next week. Right now, I have to finish two motions and make sure that I’m ready for court on Friday.”

“Let me know if you need a hand with either.”

“Will do.” She stepped over the snoring pug and pictured Teague’s face when she told him what she was considering. Feeling her heart drop, she wiped away the picture and focused on what she needed to do before the end of the day.

Several hours later, she strode toward the deli and saw a man in a dark suit leaning against a Maserati. Was it the same one she’d seen last month? And if it was, what was he doing, loitering in front of Faith’s office?

As she approached, she watched him push himself to his feet and was once again struck by his male beauty. Six feet of carved Italian muscle and sharp cheekbones gave her a confident smile.

Not that he’d have any other kind, given that he was physically blessed, probably rich beyond belief, and likely quite proficient at making someone disappear.

“Hello, Francis.”

“No one calls me by my given name.” She crossed her arms. “And the fact you did, tells me someone fed you bad intel.” A deep laugh erupted from the man’s generous mouth, and she thought it unfair that someone so immoral should be richly blessed. Shouldn’t he have a guttural lisp and some kind of physical disadvantage? “If you find that amusing, the next five minutes should be entertaining.

He bowed slightly. “Forgive me. I have forgotten my manners. My name is…”

“Alex Morretti.”

“Ah, I see that a little birdie has been whispering in your ear.”

She tilted her head. “I didn’t take you for a sycophant.”

He let out a low chuckle. “You remind me of your brother.”

Groaning, she shook her head. “Why does Nathan always find the least reputable people to associate with?”

“It sounds like you’re making assumptions without getting to know me.”

“How could I not?” She waved her hand. “Custom suit that probably cost more than my car. A watch that sells for over two hundred thousand and an unmistakable air of,I kill you when I feel like it.” She pursed her lips. “And I had a close friend do a little digging. Apparently, you are the heir apparent to the Moretti syndicate. A family business that has some questionable interests.”