Page 57 of Kismet

“Speaking of that, do you plan on bringing the girls to court? I’d be happy to arrange a babysitter if you’d like.”

“I appreciate that, but that won’t be necessary. My parents plan to be in town on Thursday evening to help pack and take care of the girls. If things go as we hope, I want to be on the road by Sunday.”

“Okay.” She lifted her notes. “Do you have any other questions for me?”

“I don’t think so.” She pointed toward Teague with a smile. “Unless you want to tell me about that gorgeous man who’s been entertaining my girls for the last hour.”

She bit back a smile. “We’ve been neighbors and friends for years and have recently decided to start dating.”

“Whatever you two are doing is a lot more than dating.”

She smiled faintly, knowing the last thing Laura needed to hear about was her loved-up feelings. “I guess time will tell.” Gathering her things, she slid them into her bag. “Call me if you need anything.”

Laura pushed herself to her feet. “Thank you again.”

“Of course.” She waved when Teague looked her way, knowing that Laura was right. They were doing a lot more than dating.

An hour later, Tancy stood next to Teague on the beach with her toes dug into the sand and her heart beating a mile a minute. “They’re going to die.”

“I doubt it,” he said confidently. “They may break a bone or two.”

She closed her eyes. “Honey, this isn’t for me.”

“Yeah, I guessed as much since you yelp every time someone takes a spill.”

“I’m not sure if half the surfers will make it back to shore.” She pushed her hands into the hoodie she’d stolen from him and sighed. “Are you going to be bored hanging out with someone so unadventurous?”

“No.” He pulled her closer. “I had plenty when I was on the Teams. I lived an inch away from death for close to a decade. And while I loved the challenge and constant adrenaline rush, I no longer need it.” He lifted his sunglasses and glanced over. “I poured my heart and soul into my career and have no regrets. But truth be told, it’s a lonely life. This is what I want. You and me, doing our best to build something.” He brushed a loose strand of hair away. “I plan on pouring all my love, kindness, and passion into you, so the bond we create is unbreakable.”

A lump formed in her throat, and she knew swallowing it down would be impossible. “Can I say ditto and get away with it?”

“Tanc, you don’t have to say anything. I’m just telling you how I feel. I’ve never been great at sharing my feelings, and I know it’s a skill I need to improve. So bear with me as I practice.” He kissed her head. “God willing, it won’t make you run away.”

“Oh, Teague.” She kissed his arm and felt the brisk wind blow away the last of her reservations. “I’m not going anywhere. No matter what.” She kissed his arm. “I’m the gum that gets stuck to the bottom of your shoe, the annoying gnat that never goes away, and the person who will be at your side, come what may.” She chuckled and moved closer. “You’re never getting rid of me.”

“Ever,” she quietly repeated, knowing she had found one of the good ones.


Tancy walked into Ellie’s office on Wednesday and placed a box in the center of her desk. “Do you have time to chat?”

Opening the box, Ellie whistled. “If you brought me these, then I know what we’re about to discuss is serious.”

She took the chair facing the desk and let out a gust of air. “Double chocolate macadamia bombs are your favorite, and I need you to be deep inside a sugar rush when you give me advice.”

Ellie popped one into her mouth. “Let me eat at least two before you get to the part I may not like.”

“Okay.” She fiddled with her phone, looked at Gretchen's string of messages, and tried to sort through her feelings. A part of her wanted to rush up there with her sword and dive into the fight. Another part wanted to stay right where she was and nurture the connection she and Teague were building.

Ellie wiped away a pile of crumbs. “I’m ready.”

She let out a slow breath and raised her gaze. “Gretchen called and…”

“They want you back.” Ellie shook her head. “I had a feeling that was on the horizon. When we were in DC last month, I ran into her, and she was very inquisitive. She asked me questions regarding your caseload, mental well-being, and general level of contentment with your life down here.”

“Why didn’t you say anything?”

She snorted. “Because I was hoping it was idle curiosity.”