Ipinched myself to make sure I wasn’t dreaming. Then I pinched Abby, too, just in case.

“Ouch. What was that for?” she yelled as she swatted my hand away.

“I feel like I’m dreaming.” We stood on the side of the stage while Tumbleweed Crossing played through the last half of their set. The music had a beat to it that made it impossible to stand still. Abby and I had been dancing around backstage for the better part of an hour. My feet were killing me, but I didn’t dare step away.

Shane was like a different man on the stage. He belted out the lyrics, played to the crowd, and had the entire arena singing along. If I thought he was sexy before, seeing him hold the hearts of thousands of screaming fans in his hands only amplified my attraction.

“They’re really good,” Abby shouted into my ear.

I nodded, giving myself over to the beat of the drums, losing myself in the gravelly voice of the lead singer.

He looked over at me and smiled as the song came to an end. My insides twisted, and I knew with every ounce of my being that whatever was going on between me and Shane was only the start to something that could be bigger than both of us.

But where would that lead? He was a performer, which meant that he would be on tour, recording in the studio, and probably traveling around the world. I was just a small-town girl with small-town dreams. Abby and I had barely opened the bakery. There was no way Shane and I were on the same path. We didn’t even occupy the same universe.

But I could enjoy tonight. I’d spent most of my life so worried about the next steps that I often stayed paralyzed, too afraid to move. That’s why I’d stayed with Tad for so long. Starting the bakery was a huge step in the right direction. It forced me out of my comfort zone and made me want to give something my all.

It didn’t work that way with love.

Before I let myself get too carried away, the last encore ended. The band filtered off the stage, reaching for water bottles, sweat rolling down their cheeks.

Shane’s face flushed with excitement. Even though the thought of getting out on a stage made me feel faint, he was clearly made for the limelight.

“That was awesome.” Abby clapped as the guys passed by. Spike stopped to whisper something in her ear. She giggled and planted a loud kiss on his cheek.

Shane shook his head and grinned. “Looks like your friend is making friends with my friend.”

I let out a laugh. “Yeah, it sure does. Too bad she’s my ride home tonight.”

“I’m sure I can figure out a way to get you home if she ends up making alternate plans.” Shane downed the last of his water. “I’ve got to shower, but I was hoping you might want to stick around? Maybe grab a bite after I get cleaned up?”

Tomorrow was Sunday, which meant I needed to be at the bakery by three a.m. to get things going. “It’s already after ten. I should probably get home since I have to be at the bakery early tomorrow.”

He caught my hand up with his, twining his fingers around mine. My heart didn’t just skip a beat, it shuddered to a stop. Then kicked back into gear at three times its normal speed.

“I’d love the chance to get to know you better.” The smile Abby had pointed out multiple times during her afternoon googling sessions was so much sexier in person.

Maybe sleep was overrated. Shane would be gone tomorrow, and if I didn’t seize this opportunity to see if there was something more than a spark between us, I’d never get another chance.

“A quick bite to eat?”

“Whatever you want.” His fingers squeezed mine. “Give me ten minutes to get cleaned up, and I’ll take you wherever you want to go.”

“Okay.” With one little word, I sealed my fate.

His grin widened, and I could have sworn a sparkle twinkled at the corner of his lips, just like in those minty toothpaste commercials.

“I’ll go find Abby while you shower.” Just thinking about him getting naked in the same building where I was standing made my mouth go dry.

“Sounds good. I’ll be back in a few.” He leaned over and pressed a quick kiss to my cheek, then turned to head down the hall.

I lifted my finger to touch the spot where his lips had brushed my skin.

“Be careful with Shane.” Dunn stepped out of the shadows where he must have been watching us.

“What do you mean?”