“He’s not like the rest of us. I’ve never seen him invite someone to one of our shows before. The fact you’re standing here must mean he really likes you.” He lifted the guitar strap up and over his neck. “If you’re not interested, I’d suggest you shut that shit down fast so neither one of you gets hurt.”

I’d never been subjected to the bro code before, but I immediately felt defensive. “We don’t even know each other. There’s nothing wrong with grabbing a burger together, is there?”

“Nothing at all. Just remember, he’s an international superstar.” His gaze drifted from my ridiculous shoes, traveling up my body until it rested on my rapidly flushing face. “And you’re…”

He didn’t need to finish the statement. I got the drift. Shane could have his pick of the thousands of women who’d shown up to watch him perform tonight. There wasn’t anything special about me.

“Thanks for the reminder.” I snuggled my arms around my middle, feeling more out of place than ever.

“Reminder about what?” Abby drifted over and put her arm around my shoulder.

“Nothing.” Dunn lifted a hand and gave us both a casual salute. “See you ladies later.”

“What was that about?” Abby asked.

“Just a reminder not to get my hopes up about anything happening with Shane. He’s way out of my league.” My shoulders slumped as I let out the breath I’d been holding.

“What the hell is his problem?” Abby twisted in the direction Dunn had gone. “Somebody needs to set that asshole straight.”

I clamped my hand around her arm. “Forget it. He’s right. Why the hell would someone like Shane Weston be interested in me?”

“Because you’re gorgeous, smart, funny, extremely sexy, and you know how to make things that will melt in his mouth?” Abby bumped her hip against mine. “Don’t let that jerk get you down. You need something to pep you up after your breakup with Tad. Let Shane be your one-night rebound man.”

“I don’t know.” My stomach rocked and rolled like the drummer was pummeling it with his drumsticks.

“Speaking of one-night stand rebounds, do you mind if I stick around and hang with Spike tonight?”

“Who are you rebounding from?”

“No one, but I sure wouldn’t mind finding out what he’s got hiding in those leather pants.”

I cracked a grin. Abby had always been the one to seize life by the balls and take what she wanted from it. “Go for it. Shane said he’d be happy to run me home after we grab a quick bite to eat.”

“And if you happen to invite him in when you get home?” She batted her thick black lashes.

“I’ve got to be at the bakery by three to get started on tomorrow’s pastries. Sunday’s our busiest day.”

“You’ve got a lifetime of sleep and bakery Sundays ahead of you, but maybe only a one-night shot at Shane Weston.”

Abby’s words hung over my head. She gave me a quick hug, then bounded to Spike’s side. Why couldn’t I be more like my spontaneous friend? Except for taking my ex back time and time again, I’d never done anything out of character. And look where that got me… five years wasted with a jerk who would never be the kind of man I needed.

Shane was only here for one night. Maybe giving myself permission to enjoy the time we had together would give me the kick in the ass to get back on track.



“You ready?” Warmth expanded through my chest at the sight of Britt tucked into the corner of the couch. I’d wondered if she’d actually wait for me while I grabbed a shower and changed.

“I suppose so.” She stood and took the arm I offered. “What are you in the mood for?”

I fought against the urge to tell her I was in the mood for her. She didn’t seem like the type of woman who’d respond well to me laying it on thick. And honestly, I wasn’t the kind of guy who made a regular habit out of trying to woo chicks with my words. When it came to music, that was a whole different thing. I’d always been better at putting my feelings into songs.

“You’ve got an early morning, so I’m assuming we need something quick?”

She nodded. “Unless you want to head to the bakery and I can make you something there. That would give me a chance to get started on stuff for tomorrow.”

“Will you teach me how to make those honey buns?” If my goal was to get to know Britt a little better, what better place to do that than her bakery?