Page 137 of To Make Matters Worse

“Right?” Violet replied. “I mean, I know there’s some appeal, but I can’t imagine your poor heating system even trying to run in an open floor plan.”

“Apparently the wall between the living and dining room could come down in the house, but the radiator there literally keeps the whole house warm. There’s no way to make that better unless I redid the venting to the entire house.”

“That sounds expensive.”

“Old houses usually are.”

“How’s it going over here?” Another voice asked. They all turned to see Lewis, who had Elijah in tow. Violet’s expression changed, turning icy. Charlie eyed Elijah, wondering if he would be stupid enough to try anything.

Elijah had been mad Charlie had cancelled the bachelor party, and he also knew he was mad at Violet for yelling at him. Eventually, the guy would snap back, and Charlie hoped it wouldn’t be tonight.

Charlie didn’t think he could stand to listen to it. Not when Elijah had gotten to be with someone as perfect as Violet and then fucked it up.

And Charlie himself had to wait.

“Actually, it’s going well," Liv replied. “Elijah, good to see you.”

“You too,” Elijah said, but his eyes were on Violet. Charlie wasn’t a jealous person, but he didn’t like the way he looked at her like she was a piece of meat. “Violet, have you gained a few pounds? I seem to recall that dress fitting much better a few weeks ago.”

Violet’s jaw fell open, and he could see a flash of hurt on her face.

“Dude,” Lewis hissed. “What the hell”

“What?” Elijah said. “It’s an observation. I doubt a girl like Violet would worry about something as silly as her weight.”

“Okay, that’s enough,” Liv said, holding her hand up. “You can go if you have a problem.”

“There’s no problems here,” Elijah shrugged. “Can’t I be friends with an ex? Or are you worried she’s a little too explosive to deal with anyone who hurt her feelings?”

“Seriously, Elijah?” Lewis snapped. “You’re going to start stuff now? For once, everyone is getting along.”

“And you might want to back off considering that’s my best friend you’re talking about," Liv said coldly.

Charlie hadn’t felt this angry since the night he found out about Lauren, but he held his tongue. Barely.

“I’m sorry, but I refuse to be insulted by someone I lowered my standards for.” Violet had found her voice, and her expression was murderous.

“You lowered your standards for me?” Elijah laughed.

“Yeah, and you know it. That’s why you’re here like an immature child starting fights at a party.”

“Oh honey, you don’t get to come at me for starting fights. Look at you and Charlie.”

“Yeah, you should look at us because you saw how fucking mean they got. Do you want me to dress you down in front of all your friends? How about I go into graphic details about the one night you managed to sleep with me? Do you want that?”

“Why are you even hanging around her man?” Elijah said to Charlie. “She’s a step down from that hot chick you were with. I mean come on, she’s not that good of a lay.”

“Don’t fucking talk about her like that.” Charlie’s self-control left the window as pure anger took him over. He was one move away from punching Elijah in the face. He had dealt with enough from him. It was bad enough he made little comments about everyone - that he disrespected Lewis’s wish for a bachelor party, and that he always acted like he was above them.

But he didn’t get to put Violet down. Not in the disgusting way even Charlie never stooped to. He was about to say something again, but Violet stepped in front of him.

“You couldn’t get Lauren if you tried. If you can’t get a word in with me, she would chew you up and spit you out, but you’re welcome to try. I’m sure she’d be impressed with your lack of knowledge of female anatomy and your entire dick being your personality.”

There was silence, only broken by the sound of Liv snickering.

Elijah went red in the face.

Violet continued on.