Page 138 of To Make Matters Worse

“Listen, I know you think you have something going on because you’ve got a trust fund and parents who never taught you how to work a day in your life, but let me tell you something, you are nothing to me. And if you think for one fucking second that I will let you walk all over me in front of my own friends, you have another thing coming. I told you not to fuck with me when you cornered me at the wedding venue weeks ago, and now you’re doing it again to try and catch me off guard in front of my friends because it didn’t work the first time.”

“Hang on, what?” Liv asked. “This has happened before?”

“Oh yeah,” Violet said, not looking away from Elijah. “I’d be happy to tell you exactly how I embarrassed him and why he thought he could come up to me and insult me. I’d also be happy to tell you how he antagonizes me because he told me he wanted a relationship and then bounced the minute he got what he wanted, and I’d really love to tell you why he’s insecure.”

“Oh, I definitely want to hear that.”

Elijah was glaring, his face turning a darker shade of red. “S… So, this is what you do? Abuse men you don’t like?”

“No, I only talk back to men who fuck with me. You started this, but I can end it.”

“Fine. I’ll wait for you to constantly embarrass yourself with Charlie like you always.”

“You’re going to keep waiting.” Charlie muttered.

“Oh, you’ll get at it eventually.”

“Don’t be jealous that I give Charlie more attention than you, Elijah. It’s not a good look.” Violet rolled her eyes.

“I could never be jealous of you.”

“Really?” Charlie asked. ”Because it sure fucking sounds like it. You went at Violet before the wedding, and then you’re trying it now in hopes I’ll jump on your side because I used to hate her. But I’m not on your level, Elijah.”

“You’re making a mistake by being on her side. She’ll turn on you the minute you hurt her feelings.”

“I only turn on people who deserve it,” Violet said. “And right now, you’re the only one starting something at a party where you have no business starting anything. Do yourself a favor and go run off before you make it any worse.”

“No,” Elijah said. “You’re nothing, Violet. You’re a girl who can’t measure up to any of her friends because she works a dead end, loser job and will never be able to find a date because she has a mouth that doesn’t stay closed.”

“What the-“

“Elijah!” Lewis snapped.

“No, I’m tired of all of you staying around her when she’s nothing but a problem. She’s beneath you and ruins everything she touches.”

And that was the last straw for Charlie.

He didn’t care people were around, or that he was going to make a scene once again at a party. Hearing Elijah go right for Violet in such a cruel way was too much.

He grabbed Elijah’s shirt roughly, pulling him to meet Charlie in the eyes.

“I’m only going to say this once. You don’t get to talk about her like that. You don’t get to look at her, or even breathe the same air she does because she’s way better than you could ever hope to be.”

Elijah had gone pale, which meant it was working.

“Charlie, you don’t have to do this,” Violet said, and Charlie looked at her questioningly. But she didn’t look hurt. She didn’t even look offended. “Let him go.”

Charlie did so, and Elijah stepped back instantly.

“You-“ Elijah began, but Violet cut him off.

“No,” she said. “Stop. Elijah, I do not care what you think of me. You can think I am a loser, or that I ruin everything I touch. That’s fine because you don’t mean enough to me for me to even consider your opinion. You lost any respect from me when you made fun of me after sleeping with you.”

“He did what?” Lewis asked.

“Get him,” Liv said, giving her best friend a thumbs up.

“My opinion of myself doesn’t come from a lowlife who wants me to feel like I’m less than him, because I’m not less than you, Elijah. I’m better, and that’s why you keep trying to hurt me. You want me on your level, but it’s not going to work. You’re a man who needs women to feel like nothing. It’s why you blamed me for Charlie cancelling the bachelor party. It’s why you wanted me to feel bad after I slept with you, and it’s why you’re here now. So, stop. It’s not going to work.”