“Thanks for dropping my car off yesterday.”
“No problem and there’s honestly no charge, please consider it part of my apology?”
“Okay, thank you.”
She felt tension mounting as they stared at each other, feeling awkward. The heat bearing down on them, causing a trickle of perspiration to slide down between her breasts. She nibbled her bottom lip and he dropped his gaze to her mouth and abruptly turned away.
“So, what would you like me to do today? I was going to make a start out here but it feels too hot right now,” he said, grabbing his toolbox.
“I’m not sure, we better go in and check with Beau. He knows what timeline we should be following,” she replied, and turned to go back to the house.
Man, she looked good today, although didn’t she always? Dean thought as he followed her back to the house. Dressed in her little white shorts and another of those off the shoulder tops that drove him crazy. Exposing her delicate shoulders while hiding her breasts. He was desperate to rip it off and see the strapless bra underneath that would be cupping the most gorgeous breasts he had ever seen. Just the visual in his mind going crazy had his jeans tightening uncomfortably.
He was such an asshole yesterday; he was shocked at his behavior. He hadn’t dealt with his emotions properly and reacted poorly which wasn’t like him at all. Something about her got him all worked up like no one else had done before. The ferocity of their interaction had scared him. All he could think about was when they could do it again and how amazing it would feel.
But he had to remind himself of his goals, find his partner and start a family. Christy wasn’t going to be sticking around, and with Taylor’s warning ringing in his ears, he responded by pushing her away, literally dragging her out of the office. He had lain awake last night, replaying the moment in his office over and over until he was gripping himself.
He couldn’t avoid Christy, especially now he was helping her with the house and if he was honest, he didn’t want to. He could spend time getting to know her, being her friend and someone she trusted was becoming very important to him. Now that they cleared the air properly over their past, he felt a huge weight had been lifted from his shoulders. She was a huge part of Taylor’s life, which made her important to him too. The only problem was, could he try to be her friend and keep his hands off her delectable body?
They chatted as they walked back to the house, she asked him if the new deputy had come by and introduced himself yet and they were still talking about him as they went inside and found Beau.
“He seemed really keen on developing relationships in the community which I thought was really sweet,” Christy was saying.
“Who’s that?” Beau asked
“The new deputy sheriff, Blake,” Dean replied, “I’m glad because I worry about Taylor up at the bar on her own, especially now.”
“Why, what’s happened?” Beau asked, concern pinching his brow.
“Nothing yet and I wanna keep it that way. She’s having some trouble with her ex,” Dean said, and Beau tensed.
“What? Has he tried to hurt her? If he has, I swear to God...” he growled angrily, pacing up and down like a caged lion.
“Whoa. Calm down, Hulk!” Christy cried, staring at Dean who was covering a smile with his hand.
“Well, someone needs to look out for her,” Beau grumbled, only slightly calmer.
“I’ve tried, but you know what she’s like. She doesn’t want anyone looking out for her. She guards her independence fiercely and won’t appreciate anyone interfering, trust me,” Dean said.
“Yes, and she’s got the new sheriff’s number now so if she needs him, he’ll be there,” Christy added.
“Exactly, and me. She knows to call me straight after him,” Dean reasoned.
“We’re worried too, but she doesn’t want our help,” Christy said, gesturing to herself and Dean and he smiled at her inclusion of him, like they were a team. She was already beginning to relax around him. Beau stopped pacing but worried a hand over his jaw.
“I’m going away for a couple of weeks on business, but when I’m back I can move into one of the cabins at the bar. That way I’m around if she needs me but not crowding her,” he said.
“You don’t need to do that, I’m sure Dean doesn’t mind you staying with him, do you Dean?” Christy asked, looking at him pleadingly.
“Actually, I think that’s a great idea, Beau,” Dean said, a smug smile crossing his face. Christy narrowed her eyes at him and he winked at her. He would have loved to lean in and kiss the suspicion off her face but he had to restrain himself, friends didn’t kiss.
“Yeah, I can look out for her better that way.” Beau nodded to himself, and then all calm again, he went back out to Dean’s truck to bring in some more tools. Christy faced him.
“What are you up to?”
Dean tried for an innocent expression, “I’m just looking out for my baby sister, I want her to stay safe.”