Page 42 of It's Only Love

Chapter 14

When Beau turned up at the house the next day, Christy was shocked to see Dean with him. Her heart started pounding as he headed towards the house. The hot morning sun catching the blond highlights in his hair, emitting a slight glow around his head that looked remarkably like a halo. Christy snorted at the thought, he was no angel, this man was all devil. Beau came into the house and walked into the kitchen, but Dean veered off and went around the side of the house into the garden.

Christy shot out the front door, jogged round the side of the house. She found Dean bent down, rummaging in the toolbox he brought with him. Coming up behind him had been a big mistake, the way his jeans were hugging tightly across his firm ass had her regretting that she hadn’t gotten her hands on it yesterday. His shirt was pulled tight across his back and shoulders, emphasizing their muscular deliciousness and again she realized she hadn’t seen those yesterday either. She had been bare to him, but she hadn’t seen any of his body, except for the obvious, her cheeks heating. Thinking of yesterday and his dismissal of her reignited her anger, and she stormed in front of him.

“What the hell are you doing here?” she demanded hotly. He stood up to his full height and ended up looming over her. She felt the balance of power shift slightly, so she lifted her chin defiantly and folded her arms across her chest. Unfortunately, this pushed her breasts higher and boy did he notice. If she weren’t already still flushing from her thoughts a moment ago, she would have blushed now.

“Good morning to you too, darlin’,” he replied, his southern charm flowing over her like a warm breeze, so sexy she had to fight a shiver that tried to steal over her.

“What are you doing here, Dean?” she demanded again.

“I’m helping out,” he shrugged.

“I don’t want you here,” she said, and he flinched slightly. He reached out for her hand, but she stepped away from him.

“Look, I was going to come and talk to you before you stomped out here. I want to apologize for yesterday. I acted like an asshole, twice. First, I took advantage of you and then second, when it was over, I treated you badly.” He ducked his head and hooked his thumbs into the back pockets of his jeans. She eyed him suspiciously.

“What do you mean you took advantage of me?” she asked. He lifted his head, piercing her with his electric blues which flashed brightly in the sunshine.

“When we were in my office. I shouldn’t have gotten personal in my place of business. I didn’t want you thinking you had to do…that…with me to get your car fixed.”

“What?!” she bellowed, and he looked at her sheepishly.

“That’s not why I did…what we did! I’m not some prostitute who needs to offer sexual favors in return for services rendered!” It’s just as well there weren’t any close neighbors otherwise they would be hearing everything she was saying.

“Then why did you?”

“Because I wanted to! Not because it was a term of payment!”

“You wanted to?” he asked, and only then did she notice the spark of amusement in his eyes and she realized what he got her to admit.

“You…asshole!” she hissed, and he laughed.

“Hey, come on, I’m sorry, again,” he said, and she took a step towards him, balling her fists. He held up his hands in surrender, laughing again. Her anger wasn’t funny, she may be tiny, but she was feisty damnit.

“I’m truly sorry, darlin’, I just couldn’t help myself. I wanted to break the tension between us.” His smile faded and his expression became serious. “I mean it though, I acted like a grade A asshole yesterday and I’m so sorry. Please let me keep helping you here, I love the work and I’m enjoying getting to know you and spending time with you, and Beau.” He sounded sincere and even a little shy, but she fixed him with a penetrating stare.

“You do?”

“Yes! You’re important to Taylor and Justine and hell, Beau too. Which means you’re important to me.”

She eyed him closely, was she really important to him? She wasn’t sure, something still nagged at her, it didn't add up. Her stomach flipped as she steeled herself to bring up the incident that lingered between them.

“Dean, I don’t understand. Why did what we did? I still remember what you said, in the hallway, in front of those boys all those years ago,” her voice quavered at the mention of one of her most painful memories. His face blanched, but he held her stare.

“I’m so sorry for what I said back then. I didn’t mean it, I was just an immature and insecure kid. I was embarrassed, hurt, and lashing out,” he explained, his features softened.

“Hurt?” she asked, confusion pinching her brow. He rubbed the back of his neck, looking sheepish.

“I overheard you, Tay, and Justine talking at a sleepover one night. You called me stupid, a lot, and I guess it struck a nerve with me. My dad used to call me that all the time and it's true, I was struggling in school. But I was embarrassed and upset, so when the guys started talking about you I lashed out. I know that’s no excuse, but it’s an explanation of why I said it,” he finished.

She was mortified that he overheard her bitchy comments. She thought about how she felt after what he said about her, she was so hurt and upset she would have potentially done the same thing. Jesus, she did do the same thing, with the girls. Some part of her understood why he did it and his explanation was like a soothing balm to her pride.

“I didn’t really think you were stupid, I was just being idiotic and mean,” she replied, and he chuckled then they fell into silence. It was impossible to stay mad at this man.

“So, you want to put this behind us and be friends?” she asked, she thought she saw a flash of disappointment cross his face but it was gone so quickly she must have been mistaken, the heat was getting to her.

He nodded. “Friends,” he said, putting his hand out and she stared at it a moment before sliding her palm into his warm grip. As they shook, his thumb gently stroked over her skin, tingles branching out from the area and her nipples tightened as she thought about what his hands had done yesterday. She pulled her hand back sharply and cleared her throat.