Page 41 of Renegade Biker

“Ah.” He touched the side of his nose. “Might have just the person for you to meet.” He climbed out. “C’mon, let’s hit Nina’s. I’ll introduce you if she’s still there. And you can meet my old lady.”

“Old lady?”

“Girlfriend, actually no, fiancée. I’m still getting used to it.” He chuckled.

Nina’s was like an add-on building behind what appeared to be a workshop. Outside of it was a pile of tires and old car parts, along with a broken safe, a driver’s car seat, and a surfboard snapped in two. The door had two bullet holes in it.

She glanced over at Zak and Jayden. They were beside a green slide and a sandpit. There were two other kids there, plus Brooklyn.

“He couldn’t be safer,” Wyatt said, opening the door. “In you go. What you drinking?”

“Er, just a cola.” Inside, it was dark and smelled heavily of smoke and liquor.

“Cola. Nah, that don’t get served here. I’ll grab you a beer.” He pointed in the direction of a pool table. Beyond that, two women sat talking. “Come meet my fiancée, Belle.”

Tammy pushed down a rush of nerves. It had been so long since she’d met other women. Her old friends had gradually faded away when Gary had monitored and then forbidden contact with them.

She couldn’t blame them. She’d been a lame friend.

“Belle, this is Tammy, Hudson’s niece,” Wyatt said, “Tammy, this is Belle, and this is Leah, Carter’s better half.”

“I’ll tell him you said that,” Leah said with a laugh. She had a sharp, dark bob and petite, pixie-like features. Her smile was genuine, and she wore a pretty silver locket that sat against a silky blue shirt. “Hey, Tammy, take a seat.”

“Thanks.” She perched opposite them.

“Nice to meet you,” Belle said, sipping what appeared to be cola. “Hudson said you’re staying at his place on The Strand. You like it?”

“Yes, it’s nice, against the beach. My son loves it. It’s very kind of Hudson.”

“You’re family.” Belle shrugged. “Family get what they need around here.” She tucked her blonde hair behind her ears. It was carefully curled, as were her long eyelashes. Her lips were scarlet, and her tank top showed off her generous cleavage.

“And Jayden’s been keeping an eye out for your ex, is that right?” Leah said.

“Yes, it’s very nice of him. But I’m sure he’ll get bored soon, and—”

She stopped abruptly as Jayden strolled past the table. He looked at her and winked, then carried on to the opposite side of the bar and disappeared through a door.

“Bored?” Belle laughed. “I don’t think that’s the word I’d use to describe Jayden right now.”

Tammy knotted her fingers on her lap and hoped the dim light would hide the redness she was sure was blooming over her cheeks.

“You guys getting on okay?” Leah asked.

Tammy got the feeling Leah was a little more subtle than Belle. “Sure. He’s a great guy.”

“They all are,” Leah said. “Once you’ve gotten used to knowing when to ask questions and when not to.”

“Here, a beer.” Wyatt set a bottle in front of her. “I have to get to this meeting. But, Leah, this fine lady…” He set his hand on Tammy’s shoulder and squeezed. “Needs to get rid of a son-of-a-bitch husband. Can you point her in the right direction?”

“Sure can.”

He pressed a kiss to Belle’s forehead and then walked off.

Belle watched him go and set her hand on her belly and rubbed it.

Tammy suddenly understood why she was allowed cola. There was a baby on the way.

“So, why’s he a son of a bitch?” Leah asked.