Page 40 of Renegade Biker

And central to that happiness was Jayden.

A man she’d never expected to meet.

A man she’d never expected to fall for.

Chapter Ten

“Wow. That is a big hairy dog,” Zak said, leaning forward, hands on the dash and eyes wide.

“Sure is, that’s Rambo. He’s friendly though,” Wyatt said. “Big softie.”

“You sure?” Tammy eyed the enormous German Shepherd wandering toward the van.

“Yeah.” Wyatt grinned at her. “All bark and no bite. Well, if you’re with one of us that is. If not, you’re dinner.”

She reached for Zak.

“Don’t panic.” Wyatt laughed. “His job is to let us know if anyone comes through those gates unannounced.”

“And we’re announced, right?” She glanced at the huge metal gates they’d just driven through. They’d closed again, locking them within the high-walled compound.

“Yep, you’re with us,” Jayden said, getting out of the vehicle. “Hey, Zak, wanna see where the other kids play?”

“Yes, please.” Zak scrabbled over her and slotted his hand into Jayden’s as he climbed out of the van.

“How you enjoying California?” Wyatt asked, tucking the keys into the visor.

“I’m glad to be here.” She watched as Jayden swung Zak onto his shoulders and out of Rambo’s way. Zak giggled and gripped Jayden’s hair.

I gripped his hair not long ago.

She wriggled on the seat at the memory.

“Your ex is a prick, so I hear.”

“What? Er, yes you could say that.” She half shrugged.

“And Jayden, he looking after you right?”

She studied Wyatt, wondering if he knew there was something between her and Jayden.

That he’s just given me my first orgasm in months.

Wyatt’s eyes glinted, and a smile tugged his lips. In the short time since she’d met Wyatt, she could tell he oozed confidence, was comfortable in his own skin, and behind the biker persona, he was a smart cookie.

“Yeah, he’s looking after me well.” A sudden heat rushed to her cheeks. “You know, keeping an eye out for the prick ex.” Her words tumbled out. “He sleeps out on the porch, you know, not in the house. We’re not … he’s not…”

Wyatt laughed. “You do what you want with Jayden Moritz. He’s a single guy, and a good guy too.” He pointed at the cross nestled on her neck. “Though the crosses he wears have a different meaning to yours.”

“They do? What? What do they mean?” She was still intrigued by the two tats on his biceps.

“That’s for him to tell you. But when he does, keep an open mind, all right? And remember, your uncle sent one of his best Barbarians to watch over you. You obviously mean a lot to Hudson.”

“He means a lot to me too, plus, he was there when I needed him. When I had no one and nowhere else to turn. I’ll always be grateful.” She pulled in a deep breath. “He saved my life, and maybe Zak’s too.”

Wyatt opened the door. “I’d like to say I hope your ex doesn’t show up, but that would be a lie. I hope he does so we can … how shall I say it? Give him a taste of his own medicine.”

“I’m hoping he doesn’t show up.” She touched her wedding ring. “Though how I’m going to divorce him and stay hidden, I don’t know.”