Page 18 of Renegade Biker

He placed the weapon on the small round table, then sat on one of the chairs, put his feet up on the rail, and crossed his ankles. He pulled the cigarette from his lips and exhaled a long stream of smoke into the night air. There was nothing tense about him. He appeared perfectly at ease and set in for a while.

Hesitantly, she pulled the door open an inch. “What are you doing?”

“Sitting here enjoying a smoke.”

“Don’t you have somewhere to be?” She glanced at the street beyond. A couple was walking hand in hand beneath a streetlamp.


She didn’t reply. He looked so big sitting there, filling the seat and the space. His boots were enormous. So was the gun.

“You and the kid are tired, right?”

“Yeah, I guess.”

“So I figured you’d sleep better knowing someone is watching your front door, making sure no asshole tries to pay you a midnight visit.”

“What? You can’t sit there all night.”

“I’ve sat all night in worse places.” He huffed. “Pretty damn nice here with a view of the ocean.”

“But … it’s too much, I—”

He set his attention on her. “I ain’t budging, not ’til Hudson gets here tomorrow. He made you my responsibility, and there ain’t no way I’m pissing off the boss, okay?”

The stern expression on his face made it apparent he wasn’t going to be swayed.

She glanced at the gun.

“If you’re wonderin’, yeah, it’s loaded and yeah, I sure know how to use it.” He paused. “But don’t worry, the kid won’t get his hands on the metal.”

Just the thought of Zak seeing it made her nauseous.

“Get your head down,” he said. “And sleep, because any prick who tries so much as to put a takeout menu through your door will be staring down the wrong end of my weapon.” He raised his eyebrows. “There ain’t no one gettin’ past me, and you’d better believe it.”

She did believe him. She also didn’t think anyone in their right mind would try to get past him. “Well, if you’re sure, and … do you want a blanket?”

“I’m sure, and no, I’ve got a full belly and a full pack of smokes, I’m good.”

“Okay, well, good night.” She closed the door and slid the bolt. It was actually quite flimsy, so knowing Jayden was sitting out on the porch did make her feel a whole heap better.

But he couldn’t do that every night.

She had to learn to survive on her own.

No matter how hard that was going to be.

Chapter Five

Tammy woke to the sound of deep rumbling engines. She opened her eyes and pulled Zak closer. She didn’t think either of them had moved all night. Their sleep had been deep and dreamless.

But now the growl of big bikes seemed to vibrate the very walls of the house. She glanced at the digital clock on the bedside table.


“What the—?” She sat bolt upright. When had she ever slept for twelve solid hours?

Zak stirred and yawned.