Page 17 of Renegade Biker

He touched her face just below her left eye where the remnants of a bruise remained. “That’s when this happened?”

His finger was warm, his touch light. That wasn’t something she was used to. Pain had been her experience of being touched for so long. “Yes.”

His jaw clenched, a muscle flexing beneath his stubbled cheek. “You’re never going back there. Either of you.”

“No, no I’m not. We’re not.”

“I mean it.”

“So do I.” She couldn’t go back, even if she wanted to. Gary’s wrath would be unbearable. He’d be murderous.

“Good, I’m glad we agree on that.” He took the tiny sweater from her. “Let’s go eat.”

They finished the pizza. Zak ate all of his crusts, something he didn’t usually do, but when he saw Jayden stuffing his in, he copied.

With her belly full, Tammy sat on the sofa. It was worn and soft, and she sank deep. Again, she glanced at the door, checking the lock was still in place.

Jayden stacked the empty pizza boxes.

Zak climbed onto her lap, curling into a ball. He was tired, likely he’d fall asleep in her arms the way he often did. He was too old for that, but she didn’t care. Holding him comforted her as much as it did him.

Within a minute, he’d closed his eyes.

Jayden stood at the window. He pulled back the curtains and peered out.

Her gaze slid down his long lean body. Chunky biker boots that could do with a polish. Faded denim hugged his ass, and his t-shirt had hooked into a thick black leather belt over something he had shoved against the small of his back. His hair was short though still licked the nape of his neck in small curls.

“Thank you for all you’ve done today,” she said, expecting him to say his goodbyes and head off on the big Harley waiting on the curbside.

“Hudson’s orders.” He turned to her.

So, not because he’d wanted to. Why did that make her feel a bit deflated? “And he’ll be here tomorrow? My uncle?”

“Yeah. He will.”

She glanced at Zak. He was fast asleep. It hadn’t taken long, the poor kid was exhausted. Carefully, she stood, holding him close. “I’ll go and put him down.”

He nodded and pulled out his smokes.

She looked at them.

He put them away.

Instead of putting Zak in his temporary new bedroom, she tucked him into the big double bed. The thought of not having him within reaching distance didn’t sit well. Although it was likely she’d spend half the night pacing around the doorsand windows—her nerves on edge at every sound, every passing vehicle.

Gary wasn’t the sort to let go of what he believed was his.

The twist of fear returned to her belly, and her shoulders tensed, a knot forming between them. It was going to be a long, jumpy night just the way it had been a long, anxious road trip.

When she returned to the living area, Jayden was gone. The door was also unlocked. She rushed to it, slipped the bolt, and then looked out the window, expecting to see his bike coming to life.

Instead, she saw Jayden on the porch. The glowing red end of a smoke he had balanced between his lips twitched as he reached into the back waistband of his jeans and retrieved a handgun. That was what had been bunching his t-shirt.

Her heart rate sped up.


He had a gun. He’d had a gun the entire time she’d been with him.