Page 41 of SWAT

“Jesus Christ,” he muttered, then groaned, “You want me in work tomorrow or in the hospital?”

I breathed deep, inhaling his hot scent, and squeezed my thighs around his hips. “Yeah, I want you in tomorrow. We’ve got a job to do. Now tell me, what’s your next move and I’ll decide if you get a free pass out of this one, though of course you could always tap out.”

“I’m not tapping out.” He gritted his teeth.

“So tell me.”

“My next move…” He jerked, trying and failing to get out of my hold. “Is I’d fucking fuck you.”

Chapter Ten

“What?” I slackened my grip. Had I heard him right?

He took full advantage and in a second was on his back staring up at me, his eyes flashing and his cheeks flushed.

I was still straddling his hips. Wedged up against my pussy, through our clothing, was one big, thick erection.

In an instant the dynamics had changed. The end goal a completely different one to what we’d started out with.

“You heard me,” he said, gripping my upper arms. “Don’t pretend you didn’t.”

“Yeah, I heard you.” Damn it. Why was a throb of arousal rushing through me? Why wasn’t I getting the hell off him? “Getting beaten up by a woman turns you on, does it? Gets you hard. There’s a name for that.”

He grinned, one of his self-assured grins that just made him better looking and disarmed me further. “I’m hard all right.”

I didn’t say anything. The fact hardly needed confirming.

“And I’m hard because you’re fucking hot, Freya, and it’s been a while since I was in this close contact with a woman who’s hardly wearing anything.”

“I don’t believe you. I bet you have your pick of women.”

He slid his right hand up to my neck and circled the back of it. He raised his head. “Life’s been a bit shit for a while. To tell you the truth, I haven’t been in the mood.”

“Is that why you’re here, in Miami?”

“Yeah.” He swallowed and his eyes narrowed. “But can we talk about it another time?”

“Now’s as good as any.”

“No, it’s not.” He pulled me to him. “Because now Iamin the mood.”

“Sean, I—”

“Is Jonathan going to shoot me in the butt if I do this?” he asked, his breath warming my face.

“Do what?”

“You know what, boss.”

I wanted to kiss him. Damn, I wanted his cock too. Sean had driven me crazy today in so many ways, and now I was crazy with lust. “No, he won’t shoot you in the butt or anywhere else. Jealousy isn’t his style.”


Again I was puzzled. We tried to be so careful. Why would Sean bring the subject of Ricardo up? “No, but how do you—?”

“I’m not stupid, I know the look a guy in love gives his woman.”

His mouth was over mine, his tongue probing. I returned the kiss, desire flooding my veins and combining with the adrenaline, the thrill of a fight and my frustration.