Page 40 of SWAT

Or in this case the upper hand and proving a point.

“Fuck,” he muttered when I jumped up and skipped past his head.

“Can’t catch me.” I laughed and jogged on the spot.

“Wanna bet.” He spun on his back, terrapin-style, and wound his legs with mine.

I went down, landing hard on my butt. “Motherfucker!”

He grimaced as I twisted my shins with his and arched away from him. Now our legs were coiled together as we both battled to force the other to rotate.

Unfortunately this was a battle of brawn, not brain.

He flipped me over and was on top of me, his belly on the bare patch of skin on my lower back, between my top and shorts, and his legs in line with mine.

I huffed out a breath and scowled.

His breath was hot in my ear.

“You know I’d fucking headbutt you right now, Sean.”

“You would?”

“Yeah, but your nose is too damn pretty to break.”

“So’s yours.” Suddenly he was off me and on his feet. “There you go, let’s say you’d thrown your head back and shook the hold.”

I jumped up. I was sweating, my heart thumping. I didn’t like to be given a free card, but he had saved himself a broken nose and perhaps a few missing teeth.

I stalked around him, feline-like.

He bounced on the spot, watching me.

I’ll have you.

His skin shone and a red patch had bloomed on his back where I’d first got him and he’d slapped the ring.

I knew I had to do it again, but he’d be expecting it. I couldn’t do the same move twice.

I slipped from his line of vision, just for a split second, and while he turned his head I grabbed his right wrist and swept his feet out from under him.

He didn’t go down.

But he did stagger.

I shoved again, twisting his arm up behind his body.

Now he did fall, but the way he landed on his knees made me wonder if he’d given up his balance too easily.

“Don’t fucking give me a break,” I said, then hurtled my full weight at his back.

He tipped forward, landing with a slap on his front, his face mashing onto the base of the ring.

Now it was my turn to get over him. I straddled his hips and leaned into his back.

He groaned and screwed up his eyes as I yanked his arm up between his scapulas.

“And what would you do now?” I asked by his ear. “And don’t say headbutt, we’ve done that move…hypothetically.”