Page 47 of SWAT

“I’ll join you,” Sean said.

They wandered out. Jonathan followed.

“You want a coffee?” I asked Ricardo.

He shook his head. “No, I’m going for a piss.”

He turned and strode from the room.

Hal was giving his guys a pep talk. Mine had scattered. Again I scowled.

It was Ricardo who was playing on my mind the most. I needed to connect with him before the day kicked off.

I spent a couple of minutes talking to the chief about Sean, reassuring him that I had him under control—though I didn’t give details of exactly how we’d worked it out—then headed in the direction of the corridor.

When I reached the male restroom I glanced left and right. There was no one around.

I pushed in.

Ricardo was washing his hands. He looked up. “What you doing in here?”

“We need to talk.” I ducked and checked in the two cubicles. They were empty.

“In here?”


I walked up to him, grabbed his vest and pulled him close. I set my mouth over his and kissed him hard. As I did that I pushed him up against the tiled wall, our vests clashing.

“Freya,” he gasped against my lips.

“Never doubt that I want you,” I said, staring into his dark eyes. “I’ve loved you for a long time. Nothing is going to change that.”

“I know.” He glanced at the door.

“There’s no one around, at least for another few seconds.” I kissed him again, a little gentler this time, hoping he understood the depth of my feelings for him.

I broke the kiss. We didn’t have long.

“You really like Sean?” he asked.

“Yeah, and he’s opened up to me.”

“His stunt yesterday was—”

“We’ve discussed that. It won’t happen again.”

“But you’ll fuck him again?”

I hesitated. “Will it upset you if I do?”

He nipped my chin and frowned. “I don’t mind you being with Jonathan. In fact, I think you’re great for each other. But I need to know you’re getting something out of Sean and it’s not one sided. He can’t be the only one who gains from it.”

“He’s got a big dick.” I grinned.

He frowned. “Freya. I’m being serious.”

I let my smile drop. “Of course I’m getting something…I will. And I want to get to know him, find out how he ticks. It’ll be good for everyone and with a few orgasms thrown in.”