Page 48 of SWAT

He was quiet for a moment, as if mulling over my words, then, “I want to fuck you again soon.”

“Just tell me when, Ricardo, and I’m yours.”

Suddenly I was aware of footsteps outside, in the corridor.

I snapped back and pointed at Ricardo’s chest. “Try not to be late again for—”

The door opened. Hal stood there. He stared at me with wide eyes.

“Sorry,” I said. “I needed a quick word with Ricardo.”

Ricardo scowled and set to work pulling on his gloves.

“Are you done, Officer Sweeny?” Hal asked, raising his eyebrows.

“Yes, we’re done.” I nodded at Ricardo. “See you in the van in five, not a minute later.”

“Yes, boss.”

I swiped my tongue over my bottom lip, gathering his lingering flavour. Whenever I was near him, I wanted him. It was probably just as well Hal had come into the restroom. I’d taken too many risks with public sex recently, letting my libido rule my actions. My luck would run out sooner or later.

I walked past Hal, making a promise to myself to have my next fuck in private.

But as I walked out of the precinct, down the steps to our vehicle, I pushed thoughts of sex from my mind. It was time to get into the zone. I had a job to do; a crowd to keep safe while justice was delivered in the courthouse.

Soon we were piling out through the van’s sliding door. Hal’s team had parked in front of us, and were making their way through a throng of women—all carrying placards and chanting much the same as they had been earlier in the week.

“All set?” I asked, checking over my guys. Each wore dark shades, were dressed in black, and had SWAT written on their chest in white block letters. They were also laden with gear—weapons including long rifles, pistols, cuffs, medical kit, and coms equipment.

Jonathan looked up. “We’ll have a good view from the roof.”

“So let’s do it.” I turned and led the way past the coms trailer, walking quickly because I had no intention of getting drawn into a debate with these women again. I’d promised justice would be done, and now I was here to keep the peace while that happened.

An echoing stairwell led us to the top level and I used a drop key to open the door onto the roof.

The air was furnace-like, humid, and the sun blazed down.

On the opposite roof, Hal’s men were taking up position—one guy alone in the middle, two together at each end.

We’ll do the same.

“Copy their formation,” I said pointing opposite. “Ricardo, Sean, you’re up that end, watch the approach.”

It will be good to put them together…hopefully.

“Yes, boss.” Sean nodded then strode away, Ricardo close behind him.

“Jonathan, you’re in the middle, eyes on the entrance.”

He nodded and stepped to the left, getting his weapon ready.

“And you’re with me, Balko. This way.”

He walked next to me, his strides long. “Je dosthorko na to, aby pražilo.”

“What?” I asked, taking a swig of water.

“I said it’s hot enough to roast a pig.”