“Ah, my love… aye, like that.” His fingers tightened on her waist.

She blew out a long, slow breath and as the air left her lungs he drove deeper. He was gentle but the sheer width of his cock created a sting and a density that made her clench.

“Relax. I won’t give you more than you can take.”

She trusted him. He’d never pushed her further than she could go before and had he not just saved her life?

His cock was slippery, as though oiled like the plug and as she accepted him deeper the sensation of him in her most intimate hole became pleasurable.

Very pleasurable.

His body pressed up against her. She’d taken the full length of his cock.

“You are a dream come true, wife of mine,” he said, his words catching in his throat and coming out hoarse. “And I can hold off no longer… argh…”

He didn’t thrust and pound, or drag her onto him. With a sensual stillness he came deep inside her.

His cock pulsed gently and he slid his hands to her hips and gripped her tight. His breath held then he blew it out in hot waves over her back.

Her pussy pulsed as another orgasm besieged her. Deep and satisfying, it radiated through her body and she closed her eyes, committing every sound, touch, and sensation to memory. She was sure they’d do this again, but she wanted to remember every moment of this, their first time. It was as special as their first time at the glen.

“My seed is spilled,” he said, running his palms over her buttocks. “I could hold it in no longer. Your ass is perfection.”

“I’m pleased.”

“You should be.” Slowly he pulled out. She arched her back, seeming to be able to feel every vein on his shaft and then the flared glans as he withdrew.

When he was fully out, she flopped onto her belly with her legs out straight and tightened her buttocks. Her body was warm and satisfied, her heart rate and breathing returning to normality.

“My love.” He was over her, releasing her wrists. “I trust I made you forget everything but me?”

“You ken you did.”

He helped her bring her arms down to her sides, rubbing her shoulders and wrists, guessing they ached from her yanking them in their secure position.

“That was my intention, after your spanking that was.” He slid his hand beneath her and pulled her close so her head was tucked underneath his chin. He wrapped one arm around her shoulders and set his other hand squarely on her reddened buttocks. “Can I ask you something?”

She nuzzled into his neck and placed her hand on his chest so she could feel his heartbeat. “Anything.”

“Did you take my handkerchief so you could cast a love spell on me?”

“I don’t ken what you mean.” She swallowed and tried not to let her shoulders tense. Had he seen her in the forest? He’d hinted as much. And did he ken about love spells and what ingredients were needed?

“Only I’ve been having some thoughts on your sort.”

“My sort? Like your mother? Healers?”

“No, well, yes, but more than that, thoughts about beautiful woman with alluring powers.” He held her a little closer. “Like you.”

“It pleases me you think I’m beautiful.” She snugged in, enjoying the heat of his body. “But I’m not sure about me having powers.”

“Aye, you do, alluring powers that can entice a man to bed.” He kissed the top of her head. “And eyes that hold passion and secrets, wisdom of twice your age and skin so soft and pale.”

“I suppose in that case I did cast a love spell.” She giggled.

“As I thought.”

“But with my curves and eyes, wisdom and skin, you ken. Nothing else. Not a handkerchief.”