“What?” she asked, trying to catch her breath as her breasts jutted up against his chest.

“You will find out.” He withdrew and kneeled between her legs.

The next thing she knew he was turning her over. Her forearms crossed and her face hit the pillow. The plug seemed to shift inside her and she was aware of her own slickness between her legs.

“Up like this,” he said, lifting her torso. “On your knees.”

She balanced on her knees and elbows and stared down at the fabric on the pillowcase. A dark green tartan. With her ass exposed to him yet again, a fresh tremble went down her spine.

“How is this feeling?” he asked, rubbing over her bottom.

“A wee bit sore.”

“Aye, it will be for the rest of the day. As it should be.”

“Aye, sir.”

“And this.”

The plug wiggled inside her. He was twisting it.

“I… I have become used to it.”

“That was my intention.”

Again it moved, this time pressing against her pussy wall. She moaned, still so sensitive after her climax it created a thrum of pleasure.

“This will feel odd,” he said.

“What will… oh…” He was removing the plug, her hole expanding around the base and then contracting as it was taken out. When it was gone she felt strangely empty without it.

She hung her head and flicked her hips from left to right. A low groan caught in her throat.

“It’s okay, there’s more for you,” he said, gripping her waist. “Here it is.”

The wide, thick tip of his cock pressed against her asshole.

What? He can’t be going to put that there?


“You ken you can take this,” he said sternly. “What we just did proved it, so rid yourself of that tension.”

“We can’t.”

“Wemost definitely can. You are my wife and as such I have the right to give both of us pleasure however I see fit.”

“But there.” She twisted to look over her shoulder at him. “In my…?”

He was staring down at her ass, his hair hanging forward and his mouth a tight line. There was a flush of red on his cheeks and he was breathing fast.

“You won’t regret it,” he said, catching her gaze. “And I won’t hurt you. This is to bring us even closer in mind and body.”

I can do this.

She hung her head again and concentrated on relaxing.

He must have sensed the tension draining from her for he eased forward, parting her pucker with his cock.