He pushed forward, gently parting her with his cock tip.

“Ah,” she gasped, staring up at him. He’d been right, she was smaller down there and his cock suddenly felt impossibly wide.

“It’s okay,” he said against her lips. “You can take both.”

“I’m not sure, I—”

“Trust me.”

She stared into his eyes as he curled his hips, driving forward with tender determination. He filled her an inch, then another and another.

“Aye, I can feel it,” he said a little breathlessly. “Inside you.”

“So can I.” Again she pulled at the binds on her wrists. His hard cock against the hard plug made her feel so full. She couldn’t take anymore.

“Be calm, I’m nearly seated.”

As he’d spoken his balls had pressed up against her. She held her breath and adjusted to all that was inside her.

“You’re going to get extreme pleasure now,” he said breathlessly. “Let it take you.”

“It’s so much.”

“As it should be, my love.”

He ground over her, stimulating her clit with his body.

She moaned and her focus on his face blurred. He was so damn good at hitting the perfect spot.

“God’s bones, you’re beautiful,” he said, not letting up with the delicious movement of his hips.

The sensations were streaming toward her. So big and wild, would she even survive the release while filled so solidly? “I don’t ken if…”

“You can. I’m here. I’ve got you.” He stroked her hair back from her face. “Now find your release and let me watch and feel you let go of everything. Only I exist.”

“Aye, aye, just you.” It was becoming too intense to contain, too powerful. Her orgasm was like another living part of her and it wanted to take control. “Oh… oh… it’s here.”

He worked her even harder, penetrated even deeper.

She held her breath as the pressure reached boiling point, then wailed as it over-spilled. Fire and white-hot bliss shot from her clit, pounding through her pussy and ass. She contracted around him and pulsed through wave after wave of ecstasy.

“Isla,” he gasped.

She dragged at her binds, pressed her head into the pillow and wailed again, uncaring who heard. The rest of the world didn’t exist.

“Lord above.” He caught her mouth in a feral kiss, darting his tongue in to find hers.

She kissed him back with fervour. It was as if he were holding her together as she came apart.

The realization dawned on her that he hadn’t found release and as her climax abated he slowed.

“McTavish,” she said, breaking the kiss. “Did it not feel good for you?”

“Aye, lass.” He kissed her cheek, her jawline then her neck before returning to kiss her mouth. “So good it took every morsel of my will power not to come with you.”

“So why didn’t you?”

He smiled. A wicked, dangerous smile that made her already racing heart rush faster. His eyes glinted with passion and a hint of devilishness.