Eventually he drew level, pulling his horse to a halt as he did so. “Where are ye going?”

“To visit my aunt.”

“Is she expecting you?”

“No, I just drop in every wee while. She lives about five miles yonder.”

“You’re not going now.”

“I don’t ken what you mean.”

His previously stern expression softened. “I have something to show you. You’re coming with me.”

“I am?” She couldn’t deny the thought of spending her day off with McTavish thrilled her.

“Aye, give me your hand, lass.”

She did as he’d asked and found herself pulled quickly up onto his horse so she was seated in front of him. He wrapped his left arm around her waist, holding her close to his body.

“Oh.” She gripped both the horse’s mane and McTavish’s thick forearm. “I haven’t ridden for a while.”

“Just hold on,” he said against her ear. “It will take us a wee while to get there but it will be worth it.”

“Get where?”

“You’ll ken soon enough.”

He dug his heels into the horse and Isla found herself hurtling forward across the long meadow. The wind whisked through her hair and stroked over her cheeks. But she felt safe and secure in McTavish’s embrace and the big horse was surefooted and strong.

They came to the end of the meadow, passed to the west of the forest where she’d created her love potion, then navigated around a bog. When the landscape changed to one of rocky outcrops and a winding river, McTavish slowed the pace to a walk.

“It’s a fine day,” he said.

“Aye, I love the springtime.”

“Was my mother’s favourite time of year.” He spoke against the side of her head. “She said it was the best for collecting the flowers she needed.”

“She needed?”

“Aye, she was a natural healer. Good with plants, ye ken?”

“I do.”

“The way you are,” he said.

“I try to use what Mother Nature has given me. It’s her gift to us.”

“And it would be rude not to make the most of it, right?”

She twisted to look at him. “That’s what I believe.”

“Me too.” He set a kiss on the side of head. “We’re nearly there.”

“I haven’t been here before.”

“Good, I wanted it to be new for you. I wanted to make this special.”

Chapter Nine