Isla’s eyes widened as they rounded the meander of a bubbling stream. Set into a deep curve in the rocks was a waterfall tumbling down and frothing at the base. The air was full of the scent of moss and the sun-heated grass.
“It’s beautiful.”
“It’s known to very few,” McTavish said. “Hidden from view, most ride past it and never ken it’s here.”
“How did you find it?”
“I stumbled across it one day. I wasn’t expecting to find something so lovely but I did.” He drew the horse to a halt then dismounted. With his hands held up to her he said, “Just like I hadn’t expected to find you at Fifths Castle. Someone so beautiful my breath is stolen every time I look at you.”
Isla’s heart swelled as she looked down at the ruggedly handsome Highlander who, it seemed, had well and truly fallen under her spell.
“And my soul,” he said, “it has always been but a half until you came into my life. Now it’s complete.”
Isla slipped from the horse into his arms. “You really believe that?”
“Aye, lass. I do.” He dipped his head and kissed her.
She melted against him, all the desire and passion of the night just gone flooding her veins and creating a pulsing need inside of her.
Eventually he pulled back. “I have food in the saddle pouch. Are you hungry?”
She’d felt his growing erection beneath his kilt and was surprised he’d changed the direction things were going between them. Haps he couldn’t act upon his lust with an empty stomach.
“A wee bit hungry.” She stepped away and began to undo the lace on her bodice. “I believe a swim would work up an appetite.” What she’d like to have suggested was he put his head between her legs again to use up energy but Isla wasn’t that bold.
“A swim ye say?”
“Aye. Looks good.”
She removed her bodice, then slipped down her dress. Again she wore no panties so the sun-warmed air breezed over her now naked form.
“God above, give me strength.” He raked his hand through his hair and drank her up with his gaze. “You are but a nymph of utter delight.”
She giggled and turned to the deepest part of the stream. She held up her arms.
“Isla, it will be freezing cold and—”
She didn’t listen to what else he had to say, because Isla dived into the water, adoring the sensation of the air then wetness on every inch of her body.
But it was really cold. As she plunged into the dark depths it stabbed at her skin and caught the breath in her lungs. She kicked out and surfaced, pulling in oxygen when she reached it.
“Hey, are you crazy?” He was standing on the side of the bank staring at her.
“You’re crazy not to be in here.” She laughed. “Come on, or are you too scared?”
“Nay, lass, I’m not scared of the water.”
“What then?”
“You really want to ken?”
“Aye.” She treaded water as she stared up at him.
He didn’t answer, instead he removed his tunic, his boots then his kilt. When he stood there naked, hands on his hips and cock at half mast, he said, “What scares me most on this earth is something happening to you, and not being with you.”
“So come and get me.”
“You asked for it.” He took to the air then with a big splash plummeted into the water.