The friction of flesh on flesh.

Rapid breathing.

“Oh, God…” he moaned.

What is he doing?

“Keep still, just there, open your mouth… tongue out.”

The sounds increased. He was almost panting, moaning too. And the noise just in front of her; rapid movements that shifted the air slightly.

She longed to open her eyes, to see what he was doing.

Is he working his cock?

She guessed he was, but she didn’t dare look, much as she wanted to. Her ass couldn’t take any more.

“That’s it, further… tongue… out… more.” There was excitement in his tone, as if he were breathless too.

She tried to taste what was happening, and then something thick and warm landed on her tongue.

“That’s it. Argh… Keep your eyes… closed.”

Squeezing her eyelids tighter together, she was aware of more salty liquid coating her tongue. It spread on her lips too, and her chin.

“Aye, that’s it, lass. So pretty.”

The movements in front of her stopped. She clasped her hands in her lap and kept her tongue out. It was hard, she wanted to draw it in and coat her mouth with what he’d given her.

“Good,” he said, cupping her cheeks in his palms. “Now you can taste me. Pull in your tongue. But keep your eyes closed.”

She did as he’d asked and tangy fluid coated her palate. It was his seed, she ken it was. She might be a virgin but she wasn’t naïve.

“That was much better,” he said. “You obeyed me well.”

She sensed him standing and there was more rustling of clothing.

“Stand and open your eyes,” he ordered.

Isla did both.

McTavish stood before her, his clothing neat and ordered but with a slight rise of colour on his cheeks.

“Here.” He handed her the handkerchief. “You need to wipe your face.”

“Thank you.” She dabbed at the stickiness.

“I may have relieved some of my desire for you,” he said, taking her hand. “But if you’re wondering if my cock will be hard again soon, thinking of you without panties and a delightfully rosy ass, the answer is aye, it will be.”

“I wasn’t wondering that.”

“I think you were.” He brought her knuckles to his mouth and set a lingering kiss there. “And I think that’s what you wanted, what you planned when you took something of mine. You wanted more time with me. What you hadn’t bargained on with your wee plan was that a spanking would be involved.”

She opened her mouth and closed it again. It was almost as if he knew she’d cast a spell on him. A love spell.

“I should make haste.” He straightened and released her. “The laird will not be happy if I make a late entrance to his nephew’s wedding.”

She swallowed and nodded. “Aye, you should.”