She did her best to remain motionless but it was hard as the pain grew.

Tears formed in her eyes and over-spilled. The shame of taking a spanking from the laird’s important guest was almost too much to bear. What would her employer say if he found out about this?

“You’re halfway there,” McTavish said, smoothing his palms over her fire-hot ass cheeks. “And I hope you’re learning that not only must you not steal, you mustn’t refuse to tell me something I wish to ken.”

She couldn’t answer, and instead stared at the TT on the handkerchief laid out in front of her.

He resumed the punishment with swift, hard spanks alternating between her buttocks.

The tears fell, she whimpered and created deep impressions of her teeth on the peg.

“In the future,” he said.


“You will…”


“Obey me when I ask something of you.”


A sob caught in her throat. She knew they had a future—she’d cast the spell. And now she knew McTavish was a man she’d naught be able to trick. He was too canny. Which was of course one of the very things that had attracted her to him.

Finally the spanking came to an end.

He flicked her dress over her ass and the hem swished against her ankles.

“You may stand.”

She did as he’d asked though struggled to find even a scrap of dignity. She was breathing fast, her butt hurt so much, and tears were slipping down her cheeks.

“Why are you crying?” He removed the peg and tossed it onto the table.

“Because… because I disappointed you, sir.”

“Aye, you did. And one day, Isla Dunoon, you will tell me why you took that handkerchief.”

She didn’t reply.

He set his hands on her shoulders. “I need you on your knees, eyes closed.”

“I beg your pardon, sir.”

“Shall I spank you again? I ken full well you heard that instruction.”

“Yes, sir. I mean no, sir.” Quickly she folded to her knees.

Damn and blast, my ass hurts so bad.

She hovered above her heels so her poor abused butt didn’t touch anything. She closed her eyes.

“And don’t open them,” he said. “There will be consequences.”

Trapped in a dark world, Isla could only hear.

A rustle of clothing.