Again humiliation swarmed through her, but at the same time she was enjoying the sting of his spanking as well as his obvious pleasure at seeing her this way.
I never knew it was like this with a man.
He tipped his head and a smile tugged at his lips.
But then Trevor McTavish isn’t just any man.
“And my palm,” he said, holding up his hand, “will hold the sting of delivery. We’ll think of each other until we can be together uninterrupted.”
She moved away and he allowed her to, releasing her dress. It fell over her burning buttocks and settled around her ankles once more.
His white handkerchief slipped from her pocket and fluttered to the floor. It lay there, a little crumpled, the embroidered TT face up.
Oh, Fairy Queen, help me now.
She gulped.
He stared at it for a moment then picked it up and ran his fingertips over the stitching.
“I’m sorry, I…” She reached for it. She didn’t ken why. Shoving it back into her pocket wouldn’t take away the fact he’d seen it. That he now ken she’d taken it.
“No.” He circled his big fingers around her wrist. “You will explain yourself.”
“It’s nothing. I found it, yesterday, it was in need of laundering, that’s all. And now it’s clean.”
“It was freshly laundered and sitting in my room. I ken that for it is the only one I have and I had meant to take it to dinner the night before.”
Isla was aware of the colour draining from her cheeks. Her knees were weak and her heart pounding. She’d done wrong by taking his handkerchief, she ken that only too well.
“So explain yourself.” He tipped his head and held up the handkerchief. It unfolded and hung between them. “What were you doing with it?”
I can’t tell him. I can’t.
“I suggest you start talking. I have a wedding to attend.” He frowned.
“I’m sorry, I can’t…”
“Can’t talk? We both ken that’s not the case.” He glanced at the window where a large oak desk sat, then returned his attention to her.
“Please. I should go.”
“Not until I find out why you stole from me.”
“I didn’t steal from you. I promise. I was putting it back.”
“But why did you take it in the first place?”
His eyes flashed; she wondered if she saw excitement in them, anticipation too.
What does he have planned for me?
“I really can’t tell you, sir.”
For if I do I could face a terrible fate if he so chooses.
“You’re being a brat, and disobedient and awkward on purpose. Do you think that’s befitting of a servant of the laird?”
“No.” She shook her head and looked down at her feet.