He wended his fingertips up the inside of her right thigh.

“Oh…” she gasped when he reached the damp juncture between her legs.

“Shh… just feel.” Again he kissed her, this time the softest part of her right buttock. The stubble on his chin abrading her flesh and adding to the sensation.

“You’re wet for me.” He slid between her pussy lips, spreading her with his fingers.

“Please… I…” She wanted him so badly, but not this way, not until her spell had fully worked, or at least not until she was sure it had reached its full potential.

“You want me and I want you,” he said, slipping to her entrance and then filling her with a thick finger.

She gulped back a moan of delight. His was her first male touch.

“Isla.” He stood, his chest pressing against her back, but remained inside her. “Tell me you feel the same as I do.”

She didn’t speak, just stared at the wall and battled not to shove her ass onto him for more filling.

“You’re not answering but I ken you do. A woman doesn’t get wet and breathless the way you are unless she wants the man she’s with.” He pressed a kiss to her head. “And damn it, I want you. Now.”

“Hey, McTavish, nuptial ceremony starts in five minutes,” a sudden loud voice barked through the door. It was accompanied with several loud bangs as though a fist was hammering the wood.

Isla jumped and her heart rate sped up further. If the person behind that door, one of the manservants, could see her now she’d die of mortification.

“Aye, I’ll be there,” McTavish shouted back. “Damn it,” he added, quieter. There was frustration in his voice. “This is not the time I want to get dressed up and celebrate some other man’s luck in finding a wife.”

“I have to go.” She tilted her hips forward.

He slipped his finger from her pussy but stayed pressed close. “Aye, I guess you do.” He spread his palm over her right buttock. “In just a moment.”

“What are you doing?” Having him touch her did strange things to her brain, like she couldn’t string thoughts together properly.

“Brace yourself.”


“Don’t cry out.”

She opened her mouth to question him further, but before she could a sharp, stinging slap landed on her right buttock.

She jerked forward though he stayed close as if he’d anticipated her reaction.

“What… why did you do that?” she gasped.

“I want you to think of me all day, even when we’re not in the same room.”

“I will, I… oh…”

Another heated slap tormented her opposite buttock. Again she canted forward as the lick of flames spread. It seemed to settle in her pussy, creating yet more dampness and need. She held in a low throaty moan.

“Good lass,” he said, stepping back but still holding her dress up so her buttocks were exposed. “You took that well.”

“It hurt,” she gasped.

“It’s supposed to, if it didn’t you wouldn’t be turning this pretty red colour.”

She looked over her shoulder at him.

He was studying her ass.