It would all be okay.
The evening was sunny and Jenny was looking forward to the walk to the gym and a few warm rays. She brushed her hair, added a spritz of perfume and a slick of lip balm, then closed her computer down.
“See you, Jenny,” Stella said, walking past. Her hips swayed and her heels clicked. She managed to look as fresh as she had when she’d walked into the office eight hours ago.
“Bye, Stella, have a nice evening.”
“I will.” She smiled and secured her red polka-dot handbag at her shoulder. As she stepped into the elevator, Tristan rushed from his office.
“Hold it,” he called to Stella.
He nodded to Jenny in his usual austere manner then strode past her desk.
Jenny stood and pulled on a light cardigan. Pushing her arms into the sleeves, she peered around the wall toward the elevator.
Stella had her finger on the button, holding the doors. She was smiling broadly as she looked sideways.
Tristan rushed in.
But instead of standing next to her, he moved in close behind, slid his hand around her waist and whispered something into her ear.
Stella tipped her head back and giggled, a particularly wicked, dirty laugh.
Jenny was aware of her own eyes widening as she took in the intimate scene.
Tristan and Stella?
And she’d thoughtAndreand Stella were the hot item.
But it was Tristan…
That didn’t make sense. The way Andre was with Stella was always a little too familiar, his gaze appreciative and his smiles so quick. Stella was so at ease with him, in a way that suggested there was more between them than personal assistant and boss—she stood a little too close, got away with teasing him on occasion, and often brought him cakes when she went across the road to the bakery.
And now Tristan was pressed up against his personal assistant and clearly had plans on doing much more.
Jenny quickly stepped back as the elevator doors began to close. New light was shedding on so many things. Dale and Jackson. Stella and thetwochief execs. The wife with two gay lovers happy in a threesome relationship.
Her mind spun with it all. For so long she’d had her head in the sand. Working, working and then working some more. Yet now, it was as if her decision to change her relationship had opened her eyes to other people’s, no matter how unconventional they were. And from what she saw they were good, happy, loving relationships full of passion, fun, and desire. It was what she wanted. Intimacy, lust-filled liaisons, trust…orgasms.
She picked up her bag and headed toward the elevator, knowing she’d have a few minutes wait as it returned from the basement where Tristan kept his car.
Blimey, when had she last had one of them? Sex hadn’t been on her agenda for a while now. Billy had been an okay lover, way back when they were doing it, but she had nothing else to compare. He’d been her only one.
As she watched the floor numbers climbing up again, a new knowledge came over her. Without Billy she’d be free to take another lover. The idea was thrilling and a little scary. She wasn’t exactly brimming with experience. What if her techniques were terrible?
She sighed. There would be only one thing for it when the time came, which she was sure it would. She’d have to bite the bullet and go for it. Even if it was out of her comfort zone. Nothing worth having was ever easy. And sex in her life, with a hot guy, a plethora of orgasms, was definitely something worth having.
Chapter Five
The gym was quiet when Jenny arrived. Billy was nowhere to be seen and Michael was in the corner watching TV. There wasn’t the usualsnap, snapof fists on punch bags and the radio, which often played Billy’s loud, thumping music, was mercifully silent. The speed bag hung still in the corner.
“Hey, Jenny,” Michael said with a smile as she walked in. “You’re early.”
“Am I?” She glanced at her watch. It was only six o’clock, so it was a bit early for her. Had she left the office before she should have? No, Tristan and Stella had headed off. Or maybe…maybe they had somewhere to be together.
She smiled as she headed toward the room at the back of the gym. Good for Stella, if she could handle two devastatingly gorgeous guys in and out of the bedroom, she deserved all the fun she could get.