Page 16 of A Fighter’s Love

“He did it with this guy. Dead cute he is, if you like the brooding macho military look that is. He’s hard as nails, too.” Stella giggled in a way Jenny hadn’t seen her do before. It was silly, girly, fun and a bit naughty. “If you know what I mean.”

“I guess.” Jenny grinned as well. “And what about now?”

“Happy ever after. They’re all together. Turned out this bloke her husband had a crush on was also into women, and it wasn’t long before all three of them were getting down and dirty and having a fabulous time.”

Jenny had never heard Stella speak this way. She loved it. It was pally, like she was a confidante, and it seemed to seal their fledgling friendship into a sure thing, take it up a level.

“So what do you think?” Stella asked.

“About what?”

“Your two hot fighters. You reckon they’re into women as well as each other?”

“No, I don’t think so. I’ve seen the way they look at each other. Their gazes drip with lust.” She shook her head. There was no way they fancied her. Dale looked at Jackson as though he wanted to rip his clothes off the second they were alone. And Jackson seemed to hold in a tsunami of pent up desire for Dale she was sure would be unleashed the moment he could set it free.

Stella set down her coffee and smiled. It was a strange, secret smile. As if she knew some secret Jenny was yet to be privy to.

“What?” Jenny asked.

“Just go with it,” Stella said. “See where it takes you.”

“I’m not sure I understand.”

“You will. Keep an open mind.” She paused. “Men are strange creatures, as is desire. There’s no black and white. There’s a reason the GBLT community uses a rainbow. It encompasses every part of the spectrum. Nothing isn’t normal.”

Jenny opened her mouth to question more, but then shut it. What Stella had said really opened up a new train of thought in her mind. A new path of possibilities.

“I’d best get on.” Stella glanced at her watch. “My two bosses will have my guts for garters if I don’t get next week’s trip to New York organized.”

“Are you still going with them?” Jenny was envious. She’d always wanted to visit The Big Apple.

“Yes, someone has to keep them in order.” Stella laughed and pressed her hand on Jenny’s forearm. “I’ll catch you later.”

“Yeah, sure…thanks for the chat.”

“Any time honey, that’s what friends are for.”

Jenny got her head down on the books for the rest of the day, compiling data the two chief executives would need for the New York trip. Business was booming and more contracts coming in. Which was great, but it kept everyone super busy.

The knowledge that soon the gym accountancy would no longer be her responsibility was blissful. It needed to come to an end, and tonight it would.

She bit down the sharp taste of bile. There was no question she was nervous about how Billy would react to the news. He’d taken their relationship for granted for so many years. They were as good as married.

Except they weren’t. She could walk away, free as a bird, and she would. She damn well would.

Again that light sensation lifted her, almost as if she were hovering on her seat. She’d be rid of the ball and chain that was her duty to Billy.


Yes, that’s how she’d looked at it. He’d been there for her when her father was sick and dying and taking all his frustrations out on her. So it was her job to be there for Billy after his accident and he’d needed to refocus his life. But that was a long time ago now.

Life was ready to be changed. Shaken up. She’d paid her debt and was going to stride out into the world as a new woman.

She smiled as she finalized the information Andre and Tristan would need and backed it up. It was a red letter day, or rather a red letter evening.

The sooner it happened, the better.

And knowing Dale and Jackson were there, if she needed them, provided the last fiber to the strength she’d summoned.