Fuck’s sake!

I slammed my fist into the shower room tile so hard that it cracked under the weight. I sighed and a groan tore free from my throat. Goddammit. I was never going to be free from the deviant and perverted thoughts that ran through my mind. I gripped my heavy and ache-fueled cock in my hand and squeezed, willing some life back into the fucker but it refused to calm. Slowly, I moved my hand up and down to see if that would ease the pain of blue balls, but instead, it made the pain worse. Furious and turned on as all hell after remembering that night, I began my assault.

I knew just how I liked it and I had fantasized that Lara knew it too. That she was down on her knees, as she looked back up at me with those emerald-beryl, crystal-filled eyes and pleased me in a way that shook my soul and sucked it down out of my balls. That she opened her mouth and took me—all of me—deep into the back of her throat and swallowed.

I yanked and I twisted, I played with my bars as I tried to make it hurt. I gave myself everything brutal I thought that she would give me if we ever got to the point of feeling one another.

With one hand, I tickled my balls, grinding them against me as I imagined it would be her hot and welcoming pussy. I pinched the head, rubbing my foreskin between my fingers before I jerked off quickly. All the sensations were in play, entwining with one another that threw me over the edge and had me spraying my load all over the tiles as I watched it being washed away by the cold spray of water that was dousing me.

They say you should go to church to confess your sins, but nobody ever told you that you were your sins. Built as a temple. The only one strong enough to hold them. I didn’t need to confess my depravity to anybody. It had already been scripted within the fragments of my bones.

The fact that I was a sick, sick man wanting my best friend’s daughter, was all that I would ever be.

I stepped from the shower, feeling fresh after washing away the sweat from the training and feeling filthy all at the same time at what I had just done. Three days. Three days since she stormed the meeting covered in bruises. Her pretty flesh was torn. And three days since I had been more at war with myself than I had been in the last four years.

It wouldn’t have been the first time I had thought about her in order to finish and I knew it wouldn’t be the last.

I just didn’t think I could stay away anymore. But I had to. Dom was more than my best friend. He was my brother. Thelittle kid that pulled me from the gutter, from a life of poverty and petty crime. He took a roughhouse, five-year-old and taught me everything he knew.

I went from a thug on the street corners to a thug in a suit with a few billion sitting in the bank.

But beyond all of that, he gave me a family.

I couldn’t lose that. I couldn’t lose him.

My worth or my purpose.

I stalked into my bedroom to find her laying on the bed, dressed in leather combat trousers, unlaced military boots, and a blue cami, under a dark leather jacket. I hadn’t had the time to wrap the towel around my waist, so she had a full view of my body. I took the towel, ran it through my hair and made no effort to cover up as quickly as I knew I should.

“You know half the house probably heard you finish, right? The sound you make when you come isn’t exactly quiet,” she mused, giving me a saucy look before she turned her attention back to the ceiling.

“What are you doing in here, troublemaker?”

“Dad paired me with your funless ass. We have an assignment. I’m supposed to go with you to case out one of our locations.” Just as I was about to tell her fuck no, she was staying here, she adds, “Dad said it’s a direct order. From the boss, not your pal.” She smirked, taking great pride in my anguish.

“Fine, but you fall in line and do exactly what I tell you, is that clear?”

“Nope, I’ll do what I always do, caveman. Meet you at the SUV in twenty, if you’re late I’m going without you,” she offered flippantly as she stood from the bed and strolled from the room, no fucks given.

“For fuck’s sake, Lara!” I called after her, as I walked toward the dresser to start getting dressed.

She’s going to get us all killed.

Chapter Seven


I’ll Sleep When I’m Dead - Set It Off

Lara sat in the passenger side of the SUV convulsing like a jackhammer with a fucked fuse to some song that played on the radio. She bounced her leg and drummed her hands through the air, like she was the only one in the world and didn’t give two shits about who watched her. It was endearing as much as it was intriguing to watch.

I needed to concentrate and yet my eyes were trained on her every two seconds, pulled from the road.

That was the thing so captivating about her though, how she lived for nobody but herself. I’ve never met somebody before who was so mature, yet who lacked in so many fucks to give. She could respect you and rip your heart out all at the same time.

In this man’s world, she became the queen and brought them all to their knees. She fought tooth and nail for everything she had gotten, and she was fighting still. No matter how muchcrap I gave her for it. How much I tried to push her away from it, instead of directly into it.

I didn’t give a fuck about what Dom wanted or what hethoughtwas appropriate, not when it came to my Hellcat. It was one thing being the daughter of the head of the crime family that painted her as a pretty sweet target all on its own, but once she was out there in the field?