“So, do I have an assignment?”

“You do. I need you to check in on one of our locations. We believe our coke is being cut with something we do not approve of. We may be criminals but we have standards. We feed the habit and hope for little deaths. After all, what kind of investor kills their clientele? It’s a foolish business.”

“Alright, alright. I get it. Calm down, you always rant when you’re annoyed.”

“Darling, I’m beyond annoyed. I’m pissed the fuck off.”

I stared at him wide-eyed, not used to such an attitude coming from him.

Dad was usually calm and collected. He swore like the rest of us, but sometimes when he was in the middle of a rant it just came out so strangely.Comically.

“Don’t worry, I’ll clean up and get to the bottom of it.”

“First the guns and now the drugs,” he mused a little more quietly. Almost as if to himself.

I narrowed my eyes and leaned forward.

“You think someone is behind this?”

“You killed the traitor before we could find out.”

“He was one of a million, Pa. I’ll figure this out, don’t worry.”

I stood to leave but his voice stopped me. “I am proud of you, Lara, even if I never wanted this life for you. I’m still fucking proud of you, my little psycho.”

Chapter Six


Monster Made of Memories - Citizen Soldier

We had suspected something had been up for a while. That we had a foe rising from the ashes. Too many things were going wrong, too many pieces were moving on the board and we sure as fuck weren’t the ones moving them. I should be focused on that. In finding our enemies and peeling the flesh from their bones. Instead, I was playing babysitter to a brat.

A woman made from the flames of hell and well equipped enough to make me feel the burn.

She was a goddess. A sight to behold. A fucking distraction.

She made me crave her tanned and silken flesh in a way that took the resistance right out of me. I was left harsh and cold, wanting to ravage her in a way that branded us both for the rest of time.

She tested my patience and all I wanted to do was meet her in battle.

I’d seen a lot in my forty-five years, but meeting a woman who could bring me to my knees was a new one.

She was something wicked and demented, something glorious and fine. She made my heart beat in a rhythm I found in sync with her own when I spent hours upon hours gazing at her seductive and warrior-built body.

Every day I grew weaker, trying to hold onto my restraint and every day since she had pushed my limits. That night, hot and alone in her room when she gave me a show I’d never forget, it took everything within me to walk out of that room like a man in control.

She loved it when I dominated her, when I took away the power that she chased, if only so she could feel wanted, needed, and desired for only five minutes.

Lara had always chased the danger and she had always chased it in the hopes it chased her back.

Well, love, the danger was here and the big bad beast inside of me was salivating for a taste.

Dom would kill me.

Shoot me dead.

I’d begun to wonder if that fate wasn’t so bad if I got to call my sweet temptress mine for the night.