Page 2 of Cocky

Then Moose pulled back and started fucking her like the animal he was.

The grip she had on him ensured that Moose couldn’t hold on long. There was nothing but friction as he pushed into and pulled out of her tight-as-a-fist body. He’d lost track of how many times he’d laid waste to her sweet pussy, and yet he still hadn’t managed to fully break her in.

Maybe he was just too big. The beast inside of him liked that idea.

His little mouse’s claws dug into his shoulders as she clung to him, her legs cinched around his hips, her mouth hot and wet against the side of his neck. The little sounds of pleasure she made spurred him on, and Moose tightened his grip on her firm ass and pulled her up tighter against him as he deepened his thrusts.

If she didn’t come soon…

Fuck. The instant he thought it, he heard her breath hitch, the only tell she had that gave it away.

“Fuck yeah,” he growled, “come for me, Mouse.”

Her walls spasmed around his cock, milking his own release. With a grunt, Moose let go, coming with a ferocity that never failed to surprise him. He came so hard, he saw stars, felt the ropes of cum shoot out inside her as he filled her to the brim, the sloppy sounds as he continued fucking her growing louder as it overflowed, making a mess of them both.

Thank fuck she was on the pill. He loved going in raw. Loved feeling the powerful sensations that came with not having to pull out.

Huffing every breath into the curve of her slender shoulder, Moose cursed under his breath. “Goddamn, Mouse, you undo me every fuckin’ time.”

A small, barely audible laugh brushed by his ear as they both drew back to look one another in the eyes. Unwilling to break the connection, Moose remained firmly rooted between her thighs, his still-hard dick soaking up her warmth for a few moments longer.

Transferring her hands from up around his shoulders to his sides, Angel teased his heated skin with her blunt nails. “I think I’m starting to get addicted to you.”

Moose popped his eyebrows up. “Starting? Girl, you already are.”

Sucking in her bottom lip, she dragged the flat edges of her teeth across it before saying, “And how would you know that?”

“Because when I don’t get to you first, you come looking for me.” And he loved that. She was quiet, reserved when she wasn’t getting fucked, but she was a woman who knew what she wanted, and as she’d demonstrated today, she was more than willing to go out and get it instead of waiting for it to come to her.

“Maybe I was just in the neighborhood,” she replied coyly.

“And maybe you just had a craving for my dick inside you,” he said with a cocky smirk that set off a little fire behind those stunning green eyes.

Straightening her spine, Angel’s arms banded around his back as she brought her chest flush up against his. Her tongue ran up the front of his throat, over his Adam’s apple, to his chin. He felt the tantalizing nip of her teeth next and smiled as he tilted his chin down so he could see her eyes again.

“You’re playing with fire, Mouse,” he warned her. She knew he loved when she did that, and she knew what happened when she played.

That self-satisfied look she was giving him said she wanted to get burned. She opened her mouth to say something when the distinct sound of motorcycles reached his ears, growing louder by the second.

Turning his head toward the mouth of the garage, Moose glared at the as-yet empty street. Fuck. His brothers were coming.

With a resigned sigh, he dragged his cock free of its warm housing and ran his palm down it to dry it off some before tucking it back—with some difficulty—into his pants.

“Get dressed, Mouse,” he commanded as he reached down to pick her shorts up off the floor. “We’ve got company.”

Gone was that confident woman as she plucked the shorts from his hand and jumped down off the table, hurriedly stepping into them and shimmying the small scrap of fabric up those sexy-as-hell legs.

Mouse was back to being…well, a mouse. She was shy around everyone but him. He didn’t have to see her in action to know that she was nervous as a long-tailed cat in a house full of rocking chairs when it came to being around his brothers. He was the only one who got to see the other side of her—the open, honest, and free side.

He loved that he had the privilege.

As the bikes and his brothers made their appearance at the end of his drive, Moose looked his girl over, admiring what was his. “You’re a filthy girl, Mouse,” he observed, noting all the grease smudges his dirty hands had left on not just her clothes, but her pale, flawless skin.

Her wary gaze swung from his brothers who were now climbing off their bikes and making their way over to herself. Seeing his handiwork, the corner of her mouth twitched.

“Guess I should go home and get cleaned up.”

“Guess maybe you should.” He didn’t really want her to leave, but he wasn’t ready to share her fine ass with his brothers just yet. What was theirs was theirs, and he wanted to protect it for a little while longer.