Page 3 of Cocky

“What up, my brotha?” Country shouted as he reached the garage opening. His curious gaze flicked to Angel and he jerked his chin up in greeting. Glancing at both of them, his smile grew wider. “Hope we aren’t interrupting.”

Moose looked at Angel, and seeing her hesitation, recognizing her discomfort, he shook his head as he stepped into her personal space and hooked his arm around her neck, tucking her tiny frame up against his side.

He loved how her hot little hand flattened over his stomach as she curled into him, her other hand resting just above his ass. “Nah, bro, just finishing up here. Baby girl was just leaving.”

She started to pull away, but Moose wasn’t about to let his mouse go without a kiss goodbye. Pinching her chin between his thumb and forefinger, he turned her face up, and he brought his down and sealed his mouth over hers.

The kiss wasn’t intended to be as long as it was, but the instant Moose got a taste of her, he couldn’t let Angel go. He spent way too much time licking and biting those luscious lips. By the time he was done, his dick was ready for round two.

He cleared his throat, took a moment to meet her glazed eyes, and said softly, “I’ll be around later. Be ready.”

She nodded and stepped away, her movements a little wobbly before she got ahold of herself. Moose watched her walk past his brothers, teasing a shy little half smile in polite greeting to each one.

He didn’t like the way those fuckers checked her out though. Kind of made him want to punch each one of them in the face. Instead, he accepted their open appreciation as a compliment to his good taste. His baby girl was hot as fuck, and she was all his.

He kept his eyes on Angel until she was in her car and pulling away, shooting him a little smile and a wave, before he turned his full attention to his brothers. Quick, Repo, Country, Taco, Cricket, even a couple of prospects crowded his personal space.

He focused on the prospects, a broad smile sliding into place. He’d more than been looking forward to this night.

“Someone close the door. Let’s get down to business.”


Angel’s senses were on full alert the moment she stepped through the front door of her ground-floor apartment.

Someone had been there.

Darting a quick glance around the room, she didn’t see anything out of place. No indication that anyone had broken in and taken anything.

But shefeltit.

Cautiously, she stepped farther inside, gripping her car keys in a tight fist, prepared to turn around and bolt back out the door at the first sign of danger.

She started with the kitchen, visually cataloging everything, then worked her way back toward her bedroom.

She didn’t get that far.

No sooner had she stepped foot in the hallway that was shorter than she was tall, the bathroom door swung open. Angel had only time enough to register the figure stepping into her path before she screamed and swung.

The fist holding the car keys made contact with the fleshy human face faster than she could realize her error.

“Holy fucking shit! Oh my God!”

Angel’s jaw dropped open, her hands flying up to cover her mouth as she watched her little sister crumple to her knees. “Rena, Jesus! Oh my God,” she cried out, horrified by her actions. She dropped down next to her, her hands fluttering across Rena’s back, pulling back her curtain of hair.

“I think you broke my face,” Rena cried.

“I’m so sorry. I’m so, so sorry,” Angel rushed out. She had no clue how to make this better.

“If you didn’t want me here, you could have just said no. Mom always said to use your words!”

“I didn’t know you were coming! You should have given me a heads-up,” Angel scolded. “How did you even get in here?”

“Oh please, as if I can’t pick a lock,” Rena snapped, her pain morphing into anger.

Angel was feeling irritated too. The last thing she expected was to come home to find her wayward sister lurking around. Last time she’d heard from her was two years ago when she’d called collect from a jail in Utah asking her to wire bail money.

Her initial sympathy wearing thin, Angel took her sister by the shoulders and helped her to her feet. Pushing her back into the bathroom where she kept basic first-aid supplies, she asked, “Why didn’t you tell me you were in town?”