Page 14 of Fighting Dirty

Picking up the stack of papers, Ryder waved them in the air. “Open your gift from my old lady.”

Grabbing the papers, Ace’s stunned expression had everyone laughing. “What the fuck is this?”

Ryder grinned. “You’re going to be the very first one us to go the college, dude.”

Ace scowled and whined, “But I don’t wanna go to college.”

“Sure you do,” Ryder assured him.

“I seriously don’t.”

“It’s only one evening a week for a few months,” Ryder reasoned, knowing eventually he’d get his way. Even if he had to twist the fucker’s arm to make it happen.

“One evening a week, I could be doing something more productive.”

“What could be more productive than getting laid?”

Looking truly confused, Ace glance up at him. “Say what, brother?”

“Your redheaded doctor is not a medical professional. She’s a professor of archaeology.”

It took a moment, but eventually, realization dawned on Ace’s face. “She teaches this class?”

Nodding, Ryder wrapped his arm around his woman. “That was her husband’s medical office…or should I say, ex-husband?”

Rolling up the papers and stuffing them into his back pocket, Ace muttered to himself, “That pretty little bitch is mine.” Turning to Tiffany, he grinned. “I’d give you a hug right now, but I wouldn’t want your old man to kill me before I get to see my doctor again.”

Ryder smirked. “If you’re real lucky, that pretty redhead will leave lipstick smeared all over your dick like before.”

Elbowing him gently in the ribs, Tiffany shot him a disbelieving look.

“You don’t fucking believe me, princess? I got the pictures to prove it.” Pulling out his cell, Ryder showed her the one with lipstick kisses on his lower belly. No way in hell was he letting her see the one with Ace’s dick hanging out. That was some nasty shit no one should have to look at, in his humble opinion. Hell, he was still trying to shake the memories, but no amount of alcohol in the world was burning them away fast enough for his liking.

Okay, maybe he was just a little too jealous to show her any other man’s junk, too. Some things were just plain wrong.

“How is it I didn’t notice you snapping pictures on your fucking cell phone?” Ace demanded.

Ryder grinned and waggled his eyebrows. “‘Cause I’m a stealthy bastard, that’s how.”

Tiffany grabbed the phone and began doing something that Ryder didn’t bother looking too closely at. He just assumed she was deleting the pic, which was fine by him.

“I just shot it to you in an e-mail,” Tiffany announced. “I used my messaging app to crop and colorize it. Look at that! It’s your next year’s Christmas card photo.”

Laughing, Ace pulled out his phone and whistled. “I ain’t never looked so good a day in my life. I think I’ll text my little school teacher a graphic reminder of our time together.”

Ryder chuckled as Ace walked off with his phone. Yelling after him, Ryder lifted half out of his seat. “She ain’t a school teacher! She’s a freaking archeology doctor!” Turning to Tiffany, he sat back down. “I think you made his day, doll. Now, how’s about you take a picture of my junk and make a nice little Christmas card out of it, too?”

Grinning at him, she deadpanned right back, “I’m not sure I can fit a picture of it on the front of a card, handsome.”

The smile that spread across Ryder’s face was a mile wide and ten times as bright. Oh yeah, this one was a keeper.

~ Tiffany ~

Barely cognizant of her surroundings, Tiffany laid her head against Ryder’s muscular chest. Enjoying the warmth of his body, she allowed him to carry her into their place. Well, it was really his place. Ryder was a bit of an anomaly in that he was a biker with a nice house and insisted upon her moving in with him.

Though living with him was like a dream come true in terms of having good company and someone to cuddle up to, Tiffany did feel guilty for not contributing. At the moment, though, all those worries were a million miles from her mind.

Ryder kicked the door shut and juggled her slightly as he flipped the lock. The house still smelled of the cookies she’d baked earlier in the day, but the sweet scent of almond was nothing compared to the smell of her hot, sexy man. He exuded expensive cologne and sexy male. Kissing his chest, she fisted his shirt in her hand.