Page 15 of Fighting Dirty

“You awake, kitten? We’re home.”

In a sleepy haze, she responded, “I haven’t had a real home in a long time.”

Lifting her slightly, he kissed her forehead. “Well, you got one now. Having you here makes a house worth having.”

“You say the sweetest things.”

“I love you,” he said, his voice rumbling in his chest. Peering down at her, his eyes were practically glowing with happiness…or maybe from the endless shots in celebration of Ace making the cut.

“I think that’s the alcohol taking, handsome.”

Heading straight to the bedroom, he set her on the bed and began peeling off her clothing. “I’m not the one who’s had too much to drink, sweetheart.”

Helping kick off her pants, she mumbled, “I’m not drunk. I providence…romance…promise.” Kicking wildly, she tried to get them over her boots, forgetting that they had been tucked in.

Kneeling down, Ryder gently pulled her boots off then her pants. “Yeah, you sure don’t sound too sober.”

He rose, and she immediately went for the snap on his jeans, since it was at eye level.

Smacking her hands away, Ryder began working her shirt and bra up and over her head. “Cut it out, sweetness. You ain’t gonna be playing with my cock tonight.”

Flopping back on the bed, wearing only her panties, she gazed up at him. “Are you getting naked?”

“I always sleep naked. You know that. You are in no condition to be trying to have sex.”

The idea that he could take advantage of her at this point in their relationship was sweet if not a little frustrating. She knew what she wanted, drinks or no drinks, but persuading her gorgeous biker would take some serious work.

“Maybe I could lay on your side with my legs spread. If your cock accidently fell into me, well, no one would have to know.”

Chuckling, he began tearing his clothing off. “How’s about we sleep and see who accidentally falls into who when you’re nice and sober?”

Shaking her head, she placed one foot on his lower abdomen. “I don’t like that plan.”

“Tough shit, princess. You never gave me permission when you were sober to fuck you drunk, so we ain’t.”

Rolling over with sharp, forceful movements, she pouted. “You make me so sad.”

Scooting up behind her, Ryder slid his arms around her waist and pulled up the blankets. “There, there. Everything’s going to be okay.”

His warmth at her back and his voice in her ear were so soothing, Tiffany didn’t have energy enough to continue arguing. Shoving her bottom back, she snuggled her back against his bare chest and closed her eyes.

~ Ryder ~

Smiling to himself, Ryder tucked the blanket around his softly snoring old lady. Peering around the side of her head, he pulled her hair back out of her face and kissed her on the cheek. This woman was the one. There were no doubts niggling in the back of his mind this time.

Rolling onto his back, he thought his situation over.

It amused him to no end that she was all about riding his dick for all of about three minutes, and then she was out like a light. Not that he wouldn’t like to get his dick ridden, ‘cause he sure as hell did. However, taking advantage of the one person he cared about most when she was thoroughly intoxicated was wrong in every sense of the word. Hell, the fact that she was too drunk to understand that was proof enough for him of what a bad idea it was.

His phone on the bedside table lit up. Who the fuck would be calling at this hour, he wondered as he rolled to a sitting position and grabbed it. Climbing out of bed, Ryder stalked to the living room before answering the call.

Darkness’ raspy voice sounded through the line. “That hot little bitch of yours pass out on you?”

“How the fuck did you know that?”

Croaking a laugh, his boss responded, “You answered your phone. You wouldn’t have done that if you were busy. You left here thirty minutes ago. It takes twenty to get to your place. I’ve watched you fuck club whores, and you ain’t ever finished in less than thirty minutes. Ergo, she’s sleeping, and you’re thinking about having a wank.”

“Ergo, you’re a prick,” Ryder retorted, annoyed that he was right and even more so that they were even discussing this.