Page 67 of Frozen By the Alpha

I sighed. “I’m glad I came back,” I said, adjusting Bella’s weight in my arms. “Even if it is a bit complicated.”

Myles hummed, looking back at Bella. “I assume there’s a good reason she didn’t stay behind in Austin, yeah?”

“Mm,” I agreed, watching the girl’s face for a moment. Bella was staring at the others, mouthing idly at her now-empty cup. “There’s been some…disruptions with Remus’ pack. Asking him to protect her was just one more thing on his list. I thought a bit of distance between us and…them…would be good for everyone involved.” I paused, giving Myles a meaningful look. He just gave a small nod, and I was relieved he was clever enough not to make me spell it out. Not with Bella still sitting in my arms. I could tell him all the gruesome details when she wasn’t here to relive it again.

“Fair enough,” he said calmly, giving Bella a smile when she looked back up at him. She gave a sleepy smile back. “You need any help with her, you just shout, yeah? Even if you’re back in the US.”

I huffed, amused by the offer. “I appreciate it, Myles, but I think we’ve got it under control. Besides, I think I need you here even more.”

He hummed. “Fair enough. But it might be worth it just to see my dad’s eyes bug out when I tell him I’m flying the coop to go babysit in Texas or something.”

I wished I could have his sense of humor in such a serious situation, but he at least brought a smile to my face.

“I’ll do my best to keep her away from you for tonight, yeah? We’ll make a plan after that.”

“I appreciate it, Myles. I really do.”

It seemed as soonas my aunts gave Iris a moment to breathe, she found me again, looking a bit wild-eyed.

“Hey,” she said quietly, glancing around at the gathering. “Can we…is there somewhere I can lie down for a bit? That was a really long flight, and this is, uh, a lot.”

I could see the tension in her shoulders, and the memory of Fiona’s birthday party came flooding back. We couldn’t go outside for a run — we were in the heart of London, after all — but there were plenty of spare rooms within the estate.

“This way,” I said, nodding towards the stairs. “I think Bella would appreciate some quiet time, too.”

Thankfully, no one made any attempt to stop us as I led Iris up the stairs, Bella still in my arms. I took them to one of the furthest rooms, hoping that meant they were the least likely to be disturbed there.

Iris sat on the bed, breathing a sigh of relief as she removed her shoes. I set Bella down next to her, and the little girl immediately crawled over to one of the pillows, pressing her face into it and hugging her wolf against her. Even though her little eyes watched us, I could see how heavy her eyelids were. It would only be a matter of moments before she fell asleep.

I looked back at Iris, tipping my head. “Are you doing okay?”

She looked up, giving me a tired smile. “Yeah. It’s been one heck of a day, though. Wasn’t really prepared to meet your entire family.”

“Me either,” I said, trying not to grimace. “My dad is pretty close with his siblings, though. Or he was…” My grimace deepened, thinking of Gage. This was all his doing, really.

I heard the doorbell ring and scowled.That must be the rest of the council starting to show up.

I gave Iris an apologetic look. “Will you be alright if I go back downstairs? I should really be there if there’s a council meeting. I have no idea what my uncle is trying to pull.”

“Of course,” she said, nodding. “You should go.”

When I got back downstairs,I recognized several other council members arriving. My father greeted everyone as they arrived, and I did the same. Outside ofBrock, I did like most members of the council. They got along with my father, too. I didn’t want that to change, especially now.

Of course, who sidled up to me but Uncle Gage himself.

“There’s no need for a meeting right now,” he said, smiling as he looked between and my father. “You’ve both just gotten back — and brought guests! We should make them feel welcome.”

My father gave his brother a thin smile. “We’re fine, Gage. Appreciate the concern.”

“And where is the lovely lady and the little one?” Uncle Gage smiled at me.

I bit the inside of my cheek hard enough to bleed and forced myself to offer the plastic grin right back. “They’re resting. It was a long flight, and, you know…” I motioned at the gathering all around us. “Someonetold everyone we were back. It’s a bit overwhelming if you aren’t expecting it.”

Gage didn’t bat an eyelash. “And her name is Iris? Your future mate?”

My wolf bristled, his ears folding back. No matter how I felt about Iris and what our future might be, it wasn’t anybody’s business but mine and Iris’s.

“Her name is Iris,” I confirmed, ignoring the second part completely.