Page 66 of Frozen By the Alpha

Though in retrospect, that doesn’t really surprise me.

I had to fight not to sneer or growl at her. Bella was here, already on edge, and with family everywhere…I was here to support my dad while he dealt with Uncle Gage, not start fights with my other parent. The fact that she’d brought Brock along made me want to gag, but until I could get my father alone, I couldn’t ask about that.

Bella made a small noise and I looked down. She was staring across the kitchen at the glasses and I gave her a little smile. “Sure thing,” I told her, ignoring my mother’s questioning look. I didn’t want to talk to her. I didn’t owe her any explanation. I moved away without another word, picking up a cup for Bella. “How about some water?” I asked, and she nodded, licking her lips.

I smiled at her, small and genuine. “I owe you one, little critter,” I murmured to her, filling up the glass halfway and handing it to her. I was going to set her down, but she shook her head, so I simply shifted her to my other side, giving my one arm a break. She said nothing, but I hoped she knew I really did appreciate it.

I leaned against the counter and watched Iris chat with my aunts. It seemed Delphine had finally gotten her something to drink. A cup of tea, by the looks of it.

So British.

My mother was mingling with some of the others; Brock was chatting away with Gage, big stupid smile plastered on his face as if he belonged here. I bristled instinctively before forcing myself to take a breath. As soon as I stiffened, I felt Bella do the same in my arms. She was already nervous enough. I didn’t need to feed more of that into her.

I spied Myles as he broke away from some of my other cousins and hoisted Bella close again, walking over to meet him before someone else could.

“Hey, bud,” he said, his eyes dropping to Bella. He offered her a wide smile. “Hello again, butterfly,” he cooed to her.

She blinked, ducking her head shyly, but there was a small smile on her lips. After a moment, she gave him a little wave. Myles laughed in delight and waved back.

I hummed, some of the tension leaving my shoulders. “You’re a natural with kids,” I said, raising a brow. “Who would’ve guessed?”

He laughed again, winking at me as he straightened up. “Not just kids,” he corrected. “I’m good with everyone. That’s why you like me so much.”

I had to give him that — if there was ever someone who could be called a people person, it was Myles Archer. I knew it drove his father wild that he hadn’t gone into the financial business, or even anything client-facing; he would have been a natural at it. “Still. She’s a shy one, and she clearly likes you.”

“That’s because you have good taste, huh, Miss Bella?”

She giggled, still squished against me, but I was glad to hear a much happier noise from her. As she settled back in, I leaned a little closer to Myles. “What the he—” I caught myself and cleared my throat. “Why are Viola and Brock here?” I hissed, my eyes darting back to where my mother was playing socialite. “Who invited them? It certainly wasn’t me.”

Myles shrugged, giving me a sympathetic look. “I think my dad called the council on the matter. If he’d said anything to me, I’d have tried to talk him down, but…you know how we are.”

“It’s not your fault,” I said automatically, giving my cousin a stern look. “Your dad’s bu—”

Man, I really need to clean up my language, at least with Bella around. Maybe it’s a good thing she hasn’t said much yet.

I cleared my throat. “Your dad’s behavior is not your fault — seriously, Myles. And from what my father has said, I don’t think there’s anything you could have done to stop him.”

Myles shrugged again, his expression falling a little. “I still feel bad about it,” he said, his amber eyes flickering towards where my mother and her mate were mingling. “I don’t think anyone here even likes them, frankly.”

I snorted.Given what she did to my dad? Yeah, I could see that.They didn’t even know the half of it. They didn’t even know what it had been like at her house. I shook myself, warding off the memories before I could go down that rabbit hole. “So I’ll ask again:why are they here?”

Myles gave me a confused look before his face went a little pale. “Oh, did no one tell you? Brock’s the newest member of the pack council. He took Old Man William’s place at the end of last week.”

I felt like my heart stopped. My mouth went dry and I swallowed hard. Technically, any member of the pack could become a member of the council, as long as he or she got the approval of the other members. The pack alpha wasn’t usually involved at all, so it was a bit of a checks and balances system. Brocktechnicallyhad every right to apply — and even be accepted — to the pack’s council.

And yet…

It felt like someone had dropped a lead weight into my gut.

Myles face fell further. “Shit, did—”

“Language,” I mumbled distractedly.

Myles winced and glanced at Bella. “Sorry, butterfly,” he murmured, looking back at me. “Seriously, Eli, I thought someone would have said something. I thought your dad would have told you.”

I shook my head, looking over at my father. He looked no happier to see Brock and Viola than I did. “Did Gage expedite his hearing, by chance?”

My cousin hummed. “Not sure. You know he doesn’t include me in those things because he thinks I’m ‘not mature enough’, or whatever, but given the way Uncle Nic is looking right now? I’d guess so, yeah.”