Page 65 of Frozen By the Alpha

Yeah, me too, Bella. Me too.

I stood at the edge of the room, wondering exactly how I could frame it so I could escape with Bella and we could go somewhere quiet, but I didn’t think quickly enough. I was noticed.

“You must be Iris!” an older woman called, stepping over to usher me inside. Someone else took my bag, setting it down somewhere. “Come, sit! It’s such a tiresome flight, that. Can I get you something to drink? Eat?”

I sat, feeling a bit bewildered. The woman already at the table flapped her hand at the first woman. “Delphine, settle down,” she scolded, smiling all the while. “At least introduce yourself!” She turned to me and offered a smile. “She’s excitable. I’m Louise, one of Eli’s aunties. It is apleasureto meet you.”

Delphine huffed, sitting down next to her sister — or sister-in-law? — with a dramatic sigh. She was smiling, too. “Yes, yes. I’m Delphine. Now—”

“Are you two already taking Iris hostage?” Eli asked, sliding over to the table. He sounded serious, but there was a smile on his face. “We just got off the plane, you know.”

Delphine tutted, smiling up at him. “Why else do you think we’re here, Eli? Am I allowed to feed her now? And what about this beautiful angel here?” She leaned over to smile and coo at Bella. Bella’s face poked out as she waved at the little girl. Shyly, Bella gave the tiniest wave back, still holding her plush wolf closely to chest.

Before anyone could say anything else, yetanotherwolf appeared.

“Eli!” Someone crowed, making his way over with huge strides. “I can’t believe you didn’t tell me you were on your way back, you little sh — punk!” He corrected himself at the last moment, clearly seeing Bella in Eli’s arms. He might have been going in for a hug, but seeing the child curled up, he offered a fist bump instead.

Eli snorted, but he was still smiling at the other man. “Iris,” he said, looking over at me, “this is my cousin, Myles. We basically grew up together.”

“Like brothers,” Myles said proudly, extending a hand to me. “Pleasure to meet you, Iris.”

“Like brothers,” Eli agreed, nodding once. “And Myles will be my beta one day, too.”

Myles seemed to brighten a little at the mention, and I felt a little less shellshocked as I shook his head. He seemed…genuinely nice. I could sense his beta presence even amongst the others, something soothing and easy to be around. It was easy to see how he’d be a good contrast to Eli, especially when the latter got all up in arms about something.

“It’s nice to meet you, Myles,” I said, trying to control my anxiety and not letting it own me. “I’ve heard nothing but good things.” I added a wink and Myles laughed, clapping Eli heartily on the shoulder as soon as I released his hand.

“Oh, I like her already,” he said. “I like her a lot.”

I might have asked, but I heard the sound of the door opening and closing. I didn’t think much of it, assuming some pack member might have been a little late, but I could see Nic frowning and craning his head. Even Delphine and Louise exchanged confused glances.

“Is your daughter—”

“Oh no, she’s still in Inverness. Maybe it’s—”

“Eli, darling!” A woman’s voice called from the hallway. She strode in a moment later, her heels clicking on the floor. A large man trailed after her, looking more unhappy to be there than I was. I blinked, glancing up at Eli, only to see all the color drain from his face. I’d never seen that kind of look on his face, not even when we had uncovered Ryan’s body.

“Eli, why didn’t you tell me you were back in town!” the woman chided. “How else am I supposed to come and see you?”

Eli swallowed hard, his entire body growing tense.

I frowned.Who the hell is this woman, and what the hell has she done to him?



Archer Family Estate

London, England

Who the hell invited her?

I didn’t have a chance to shoot my father a look. My mother just saw herself over, wrapping her arms around me and Bella in a hug like we were being reunited for the first time in years. “Mom,” I bit out, doing my best not to growl.

Bella, bless her, began to squirm unhappily, giving me a good excuse to step away. “Sorry. She’s a bit nervy when it comes to strangers.”

It wasn’t even a lie. The difference was that my aunts and uncles had the sense not to crowd a young wolf who was clearly uninterested in a hug or anything of the sort. They’d waved and said hello to her, and sometimes Bella had offered a small wave, and sometimes not. It’s like my mother had no clue how to handle children.