A darkness crosses Reynard’s face, making him look far fiercer than I knew him as and I find my hand suddenly ensnared by his. “Do not speak that way. You are special. You are a miracle that I never expected. You were never a target. I wanted to protect you, driven by instinct since you fell into my arms, but it was all for you, because of who you are. Not because I hoped to trap you. But I will not say that I am sorry that you are mine,” he rumbles, his eyes searching mine beseechingly, begging me to understand.

Raising a shaky hand, I dash away my tears. “My mother is going to have to be made aware of this. She needs to know the full scale of what threat we face. She will not be pleased with you or your coven for leaving us weak rather than giving us valuable information that could have helped us protect ourselves in addition to what you offered,” I tell him frankly. “What you’ve done is manipulative.”

“To a degree, in the sense that we did not inform you. But a mating cannot happen just because a vampire desires it. There are so many factors at work that include mutual desire and energy compatibility. Yes, there can be terrible consequences when a vampire does not follow the laws and mores of our species, but the chances of being able to hunt out and force one is rare. Their entire intention—the desire to have the love of a mate like any being—was not well thought out. Their chances for success were minuscule at best, no better than any male courting a female. The only difference is that they were terrified of being rejected on the basis of what they are if it were known that they sought mates. But I agree that you and your mother should have, at very least, been made aware of it, and for that I am profoundly regretful.”

Drying my face with brisk swipes of my palm, I nod. “And you wanted to tell me all of this since the Jack-o’-lantern Dance?”

“All of that and more,” he said, his lips twisting in a faint smile. “As soon as I discovered that you were my mate, I wanted to haul you away and tell you—to beg you to give me a chance to prove myself to you.”

My lips twitch at that, my mind going to how he’s “proved” himself so far. Not only sexually but also through his companionship. He didn’t look at me to see if he could find ways to change me, and he’s been his honest self despite his many blunders. This is easily the worst of them, but it’s not all that bad if what he says is true. It seems the mask did do the job as I thought—I just hadn’t realized just how much would be revealed. Part of me wishes I had never activated the spell and was still ignorant. Sighing, I slip from the bed and stand.

“We need to get dressed and find my mother. This needs to be settled now.”

“There is something else,” he begins, and my brows snap down in a glare.

“What else could there possibly be?”

“Though we dealt with the galkin and gave him a very convincing warning, last night on patrol I noticed a strange energy signature that I could not decipher. It could be a wraith, but I am uncertain since I do not know your coven’s summoning habits.”

I shake my head. “No one would be summoning wraiths too close to the Witch’s Ball. It is disrespectful to the dead and could be dangerous since the more dangerous wraiths are said to be drawn closer to the veil this time of the year.”

“I see.” Reynard frowns and slides out of the bed.

I feel the energy in the air shift, and the sensation is so familiar now that I know exactly what he’s about to do.

“Leave the glamour off,” I tell him as I begin to rapidly pull on my clothes. “There have been enough secrets, skulking in shadows and half-truths. It will be better for you if you meet my mother as you are.”

I can see the anxiety rise in his eyes and am sympathetic. It is not easy to stand out and bring attention to yourself when it is unwanted. His shoulders sag in defeat as he dresses, his wings folding in incredible ways as he works them through his clothing. When we are both presentable, I grab his hand, threading my fingers with his as I give his hand a small reassuring squeeze.

Reynard looks down at our hands in surprise, his eyes flying up to my face.

“Hey, whatever happens, we’re in this together,” I assure him. “I may be a little pissed at you, but we will work this out.”

His lips tip as he squeezes my hand in return. “Together.”



Katherine’s expression is nearly as dark as that of the dragon standing over her, but not so cold that I fear the reprisal. I still remember the way my former queen looked at me after I had done my duty to her, though she considered my actions to be unspeakable. Katherine’s gaze was displeased, but I see more worry in her eyes than anything. And disappointment. Standing before my queen, I had known true fear with the possible threat of being destroyed, but with Katherine that disappointment somehow felt worse.

Behind me, I can hear Jack shifting uncomfortably on his feet.Good. Let him be worried.Despite my own feelings on this matter, I am glad it has come to this. At least it will teach my cousin, in the least painful way possible, that there are consequences to his schemes and that what he chooses to do can and will impact others in ways he does not intend. Though I know he meant no harm, he also gave no thought to the coven he infiltrated when he volunteered to do this service for Isadora. Jace and Connor, standing with him, I do feel some sympathy for as they were drawn into this hairbrained plan, but only a little since they knowingly participated. Ulrek is the only one who appears unaffected, but he shields his thoughts and feelings so well that there is no way of knowing for certain.

“I can’t say I’m very happy about this,” Katherine says at last with a sigh as she leans back into her chair. “But I do appreciate that you have come to me with all the facts and shared all that you know with me. I’m assuming that is all?” She lifts and questioning eyebrow, and I nod. “And to verify that my daughter was never a target… that this bond between you is wholly natural?”

I straighten and nod again. “It is. I never had any intention of bonding a witch to me and had long given up hope of having a mate since I do not possess allure. Without it, I possess little instinct for seduction even among my own kind.”

It is shameful to admit that out loud, but Katherine seems to relax in response, and Fran gives my hand a supportive squeeze that settles me.

“What I want to know is why haven’t we heard of anything like this happening before?” Fran asks, and her mother nods in agreement.

I shrug my wings, and Katherine’s gaze turns to them so quickly that I feel as self-conscious as I did upon entering the small kitchen where the head witch decides to hold her early morning court over coffee. Thankfully, Adeon nudges her lightly and her eyes snap back to my own. A blush crawls up her neck, but I pretend to ignore the entire exchange to spare both her pride and my own.

“It is improbable, given what we know, that itneverhappened, but it is more likely that we were all collectively kept unaware of it. Any instances of this happening before would most likely have been done in secret, without the rest of our kind knowing. And I can understand the wisdom of that decision.”

My eyes cut to Fran. I know that if I had found her before, I would have taken that secret into the abyss with me when my time on this plane was done. There is no way I would have potentially endangered either her or her kin with the jealousy from rival vampires.

Katherine’s brows draw in with confusion. “If vampires have been mating with humans for centuries, it just seems unlikely that it would have been hushed so easily.”