“You must understand that, up until recently, vampires have sought to avoid witches. Our magic is different enough that witch magic can easily be wielded against us, whereas we have more defenses against the abilities of other vampires. For this reason, we did not mingle with your kind at all out of safety. And when we chose companionship with humans, it was with those with little to no perceivable magic, believing that we were keeping our own magic pure when it came to offspring, as well as ensuring our safety. This, however, sets an entirely new precedent and is running through our covens like wildfire. We are concerned about rogue vampires gaining enough power collectively to overthrow the regional covens. That could be disastrous for everyone.”
“And now the cat’s out of the bag.” Katherine sighs. “Can’t you just separate them from the witches?”
Behind me, I can hear my brethren gasp at the mere suggestion of purposely causing separation. I glance at their shocked faces and note that even Ulrek has drawn up in horror. Turning back to Katherine, who seems to be studying our reactions, I give her a grim look.
“Separation is death,” I say slowly, the graveness of the topic settling in the pit of my stomach. And with it, terrible memories. “When a vampire truly seals his mating, it is done with a bloodbond. It is instinctive and impossible to go without fulfilling.” I give Fran a long glance, hoping that she understands exactly what I am saying. “Like with all humans, it will extend the lifespan of the witch to match her mate, but it also requires extra sustenance to be maintained. She will feed from her mate as he nests with her to not only reaffirm their bond but also to draw sustenance. Separation in a true bond will drive the vampire mad so that he seeks death, inconsolable with the loss of his connection to his mate. The human in turn becomes something more akin to your legends… a monster that must be destroyed.”
Katherine pales, her tongue stroking nervously over her lips as she glances over at her dragon. Adeon’s lips are pressed in a thin line, but I spot the sympathy in his gaze.
“You said this is dependent on if there is a true bond. If there isn’t?” she asks, giving Fran a nervous look.
“Then the vampire survives without harm and the human still must be destroyed. It seems that regardless of how the bond acts on the vampire, separation always breaks the human’s mind.” My lips twist bitterly. “There have been times when crueler vampires in positions of power made bonds carelessly without consideration of those they mated. And those of us who were forced to destroy a released mate were punished for fulfilling our duties.”
“Cousin,” Jack murmurs, his voice weighed heavily with emotion. “You don’t need to say any more. This is enough to convey how serious a matter this is.”
I shake my head. They had to understand just how well I know this and how serious it is. Fran needs to know. “Separation is no small matter to us, especially those of us who have fulfilled our duty only to be sentenced to hundreds of years of sleep as a punishment for doing so as I have been. I will not endorse separation as a means for controlling this phenomenon for this reason, but also because we are dealing with bloodbonded witches. That leads to even more horrific scenarios that we would be confronted with.”
Katherine pales, and I feel Fran’s hand tighten around mine as she leans her head against my shoulder. Surrounded by her love, I feel stronger despite the past coming to light. Exchanging a glance with the dragon standing behind her, Katherine straightens as she peers at me, her lips tightening with severity.
“And I trust that those with you had no intention of bonding someone to them without a true bond in place?” Her voice cracks with power and Jack jumps slightly.
To my cousin’s credit, he steps forward, his head bowed in humility. “No, Mistress Durmont. We would never do so. Forcing a brief separation when signs of nesting appear is how we make certain that the bond we feel is genuine and not just simply being lust-addled.” He nods to me. “Just as Reynard went through the pain of separation for Fran. Those of the Isadora coven would never be so careless.”
She draws in a deep breath and releases it with an imperious nod. “Very well. I believe you. So that means we need to protect our coven from others who may not. Do you believe that they plan to strike at the Witch’s Ball?”
“If they strike at any time, it may be then. It is your biggest affair, and though I understand it is by invitation only, they might take advantage of the excitement to slip in. We will continue to keep watch if you permit us. I have made it known that I have extended my personal protection to this coven, so it may discourage some of the less powerful vampires from attempting anything.”
“As a known death dealer, many vampires stay far away from Reynard,” Jack confirms.
I glower over my shoulder at him because I really did not need that help. “You know I hate that name.” Sighing, I face Katherine once more and give her a small smile. “But Jack is correct. We will simply need to keep an eye out for other potential foes.”
“And then there’s the matter of the wraith,” Fran reminds me, and I frown.
“Wraith?” Katherine barks, her hand snapping out to grab ahold of Adeon’s arm. “What wraith?”
“We assume we felt the presence of a wraith, but we cannot be sure. Whatever it was circled the property before leaving. Be assured that we will continue to watch for any sign of its return.”
Drawing a shaky breath, Katherine nods. “You have my permission to continue. As for our coven, we will do all that we can to tighten security around here as well. Adeon?”
“I will see what further assistance I can lend,” he rumbles before turning away and stalking out of the room.
My wing curls protectively around my mate as Katherine’s gaze comes to rest upon us again. Her lip trembles slight but she gives me a hard look.
“Make sure you protect my daughter, Reynard. If she is to be your mate, I expect you to put her above everything else. If at any point you see anything dangerous, take her away from here before you do anything else. Am I clear?”
“I would do no other,” I swear.
Drawing another deep breath, she nods and stands. “Well, if that’s all, thank you. Now I have other things to see to. I don’t want to alarm any of the coven with a disruption of our regular activities, but I must inform everyone of what is happening. I trust I will see you both at the Skeleton Dance tonight?”
At our agreement, she leaves, shortly followed Jack and our brethren. Finally alone, I look down at Fran.
“What exactly is a Skeleton Dance? Please tell me you don’t have a necromancer at hand to summon the dead.”
My mate snorts with amusement, bringing a smile to my face, and bumps me with her shoulder. “I wish. I believe we once did, which is where the dance gets its name. No, just a few enchanted plastic skeletons dancing around, I’m afraid.”
I huff with laughter. Only my Fran would consider that a downside.