Page 93 of House Rules

"July?" Sarah squeaks and my stomach drops. Shit, shit, shit... this can't be right...

I nod as I think over August. I can't remember having one, and I definitely didn't last month... Oh, my God.

"Aren't you on the pill?" Sarah rubs my shoulder as we both stare at the calendar.

"No, the shot. And we used condoms... well, except the last time."


"S, I'm on the shot. I thought I was protected. I got one at the beginning of July and I'm due to get another next week."

"But Em, you know it's not one hundred percent."

"He didn't cum inside me, we talked about how we're clean, I didn't even think..." Tears fill my eyes. Thoughts of a baby run through my head and my heart pounds in my ears.

"Relax, Em." Sarah soothes as she rubs my back. "Let's get a test first."

* * *

An hour later,I'm pacing in Sarah's bathroom as she stares at the test, waiting for the results. I grip my hands together as the nausea bubbles up in my throat. Any second now...

"Shit." Sarah mumbles and my heart drops right along with my stomach.

I rush over and see the bright pink lines—both of them.

And, then I sink to the floor, my chest aching. Tears burn in my eyes as I touch my throat, my mouth hanging open.

What am I going to do?


My motherand father arrived home from visiting Ethan a couple of days ago. We gathered around their big dining room table with Jane on my left and Bella and Lynne across from me.

The conversation is lacking, the air in the room thick with tension. The visit with Ethan didn't go well and my father has had enough.

"As far as I'm concerned, he's cut off from the family until he gets his act together."

My mother's eyes well with tears. "He's sick, James. He needs time to get better."

"It's been five years, Ginny! Five! How much time does he need?" My father slams his hand on the table.

Out of the corner of my eye, Jane flinches while Bella and Lynne roll their eyes.

"He needs all the time he can get." I offer.

My father's dark eyes find my own. "This is your area of expertise, Knox. Tell us what to do."

"He has!" My mother interrupts. "Knox and Jane have been the only supports I've had since we've gone down this hell road."

My father stands, the table rattling with the force. "I haven't supported you, Ginny? What do you call this?" His hand gestures to everything around him. "This house, this food, it's all from my support! And who’s paying for Ethan's stay? Me!"

He storms out of the dining room, his food left untouched. My mother's head falls, her hands pressed to her chest as a sob escapes her lips.

Bella and Lynne stand, their full plates of food in their hands. "Mom, I'm sorry, but I have to go. I have a flight to catch." Bella singsongs before glancing at Lynne.

"I'm flying with her. Business shit, you know." Lynne smiles as she moves around the table. She places her plate down, giving our mom a brief hug before she disappears into the kitchen. Bella follows suit and when they return a moment later, their hands are empty. "Bye family!" They say at the same time before disappearing out the door.

"Fuck, what's wrong with them?" I snap.