Page 94 of House Rules

"Knox! Watch your language."

"Sorry, but it's ridiculous. As soon as the going gets tough, they scamper off."

Jane pats my hand and gives me a warm smile. "Don't worry about them. One day, they'll need support and no one will be around to give it."

The house phone rings and my mother dabs her tears.

"I'll get it, ma." I stand and make my way to the phone. "Hello?"

"Mrs. Rothwell?" A high pitched voice comes down the line. She sounds like the woman from Ethan's sober home.

"No, this is her son, Knox. Can I help you with something?"

"Oh, Knox, hello. This is Kathy at the sober home. I'm calling about Ethan. He... he..." I hear a sharp intake a breath before she continues. "I'm so sorry to have to tell you this but Ethan overdosed. He's in grave condition at the local hospital. Currently, in a coma."

I freeze as her words register. Overdose? Grave condition? Coma?

"Wh... what?" I stutter, unable to believe her words.

"Yes. We don't know how he got hold of the drugs as we have no drugs here on site. The nurse found him in his room, a needle hanging from his arm, unconscious. We immediately rushed him to the hospital, but it's not looking good."

"What do you mean it's not looking good?" I demand.

My mother and Jane have come up beside me, their faces panic stricken. "What's happened, Knox?" My mother whispers as Jane grasps my hand.

"I'm sorry, I'm only going by the information the nurse is relaying to us. She's there at the hospital with Ethan right now. She told me to call your mother and have her call the hospital immediately."

"Thank you for the information, Kathy." I hang up without saying goodbye.

I turn to my mother and Jane. "Ethan overdosed and he's in grave condition. He slipped into a coma. We need to go."

At that moment, with the way they crumpled at my feet, I know that life as we know it, will never be the same.


My limbs areheavy and my eyes burn as I crawl into my bed early, hoping to escape this nightmare by drifting off to sleep.

Instead, I stare at the ceiling of my bedroom; the shadows from outside the window cast creepy shapes along the walls.

I'm left here, wide awake, hoping the answer to my problem will magically appear above me.

I'm not ready to be a mother, especially, alone. If my mother finds out, she'll be beside herself. A baby out of wedlock; she'll be more disappointed, if that's even possible.

With Knox out of the picture, I'll be left alone.

A single mom.

An overworked, miserable, single mom.

I jump at the sound of my phone vibrating next to me. Glancing over, the clock reads 3:16. Who could be calling me at this time?

I don't recognize the number but figure it must be important if they're calling this late at night.


"Ms. Emma Russe? This is the Providence Police Department."

I immediately sit up, my heart flying into my throat. Oh no.