Page 55 of House Rules

"I want to see you happy, Knox. You deserve it and so much more."

"I know you do, ma, and I appreciate it. You and Jane are something special. If only Bella and Lynn were as close."

"Eh, they're just wrapped up in their busy lives right now. Besides, sometimes I wonder if those two are from the milk man."

I choke on my sip of water. "What?" I laugh when I see her wink at me.

"I'm kidding, love. I'd know if I'd had sex with the milk man."

I hold my hand up. "Whoa, whoa, ma. Too much information."

"Maybe it's the age difference. You know, I had Bella and Lynn close together when I was young. Then we waited until we had you. Then Jane and Ethan came so quickly after, the three of you are Irish twins, or should I say Irish triplets. You three were thick as thieves while your older sisters sort of branched off."

She's right; our ages are far apart. My sister Bella is thirty-seven and Lynn is thirty-five. I'm twenty-nine so there's a six-year gap there. Then, Jane and Ethan come. It's as if she raised two different sets of kids.

"I'm happy you and Jane remained so close. I'm sure you would be with Ethan if…"

I nod. "Things could change, ma. You never know."

* * *

I openthe door to my favorite local Chinese place. The scent of fried rice fills the air and my mouth waters.

The guys are heading over to my house as I speak. Our Sunday plans were cancelled by me after I spent the day wrapped inside Emma. My cock twitches at the memory.

Hell, those memories have followed me all week. I can't shake them. Everywhere I go, everything I do, she's with me, filling my head.

Quite frankly, it's scaring the shit out of me.

I've decided I need to reel it in. It was only sex, nothing more.

So, why can't I convince myself of that?

I grab the food and turn for the door. Before I can reach for the handle, the door swings open and a woman whose scent smells very familiar slams into my chest. I stumble back and grab onto a nearby table for support.

"Oh, my God. Knox? Is that you?"

My stomach swirls and I break out into a cold sweat. That voice, that smell. The room spins and I gulp down air.

"Knox? Are you okay?"

"Sharon? What are you doing here?"

Jim told me he saw her, but now seeing her here in the flesh confirms it. Fuck.

"I'm back in town. How're you doing? I've missed you." She wraps her arms around my waist and I peel her off me.

"We're not doing this."

"Doing what?" She looks up at me as if she does no wrong. "I'm only saying hello."

"I gotta get going." I don't wait for her to say another word before I grab my food and move around her. She grabs my hand, her fingernails digging into my skin.

I yank my hand away. "We have nothing to talk about. Please, leave me alone."

"Okay, Knox. Whatever you say." She holds her hands up. She plants a kiss on my lips before she backs away. "Enjoy your dinner."

Without saying a word, I'm outside and in my truck in less than a minute. I toss the food onto the passenger side as I lock the doors and start the engine.