Page 56 of House Rules


My head spins. I lay it down on the steering wheel as the air conditioning blows over me.

I'm pissed. Absolutely livid. Why does she have to be back up here? It took me so long to get over her and now she's here again.

I know she must have a plan. I'm sure she's spying on me as we speak. She could've waited outside for me at work then followed me here. I bet she knows where my office is. She has connections. I wouldn't put anything past her.

Unless she's taking a pill for her psychotic bitchiness, the shit's only going to get worse.

She broke my heart when I found her cheating on me with her best friend's brother. In our bed. The one we shared together every night in the house we bought together.

The huge rock on her finger that I'd saved every penny for flashed in front of me as the guy drilled her into the headboard. I lost my shit.

All I saw was red and when Jim pulled me off him, his face was swollen and bruised. He ended up dropping any charges but I still had to take anger management classes and I almost didn't get to complete my doctorate.

It wasn't the guy's fault; he didn't deserve my wrath. I felt horrible.

I broke up with her and my life became a living hell. While I was trying to get over my broken heart, she kept trampling on it more.

Weaving her way back into my heart, we'd sleep together as she worked her magic over me. It went on that way for a few months before I found out she was still seeing other people on the side.

That's when I cut all ties.

And, Sharon went psycho.

Stalking me, harassing me, bothering my family.

When I graduated and got my first job, she crashed my grad party and kept showing up at my job. My boss threatened to fire me.

I'd had enough. I got a restraining order but it only made her sneakier. The harassing, the stalking…it all continued.

Finally, after another restraining order and many more mistakes on her part, I threatened to press charges and she fled.

Not before destroying my entire apartment and stealing my cash and her ring back. I'm sure she's sold that by now.

I lift my head and slam my hands on the steering wheel.

This is why love sucks. You end up hurt and fucked over.

The sex with Emma was just that—sex. It can't happen again.

I'll keep my distance, and hopefully, I'll stop fucking thinking about her all the Goddamned time.


It'sFriday afternoon and I've managed to avoid my mother all week. I can't any longer. She called me last night and demanded to see me today for lunch or the payments would be cut off by tomorrow.

I caved and said she could come by but I made a hair appointment for two o'clock so she won't be staying for long. I'm sure my sister will tag along. I brace myself. Tension is in the air and we're on edge. A storm is brewing; one I can only hope to fight off.

I'm not in the mood to hear their shit. Especially, because I don't want to admit they may be right.

I had sex with Knox and now he's avoiding me like the plague. I haven't seen him at work all week. It stings, to be honest. Was I only sex to him? Nothing else?

The doorbell rings and my mother stands there, a platter of food in her hands. "Emma, it's been too long, darling." She air kisses the sides of my cheeks before breezing by me. I peer outside for Melissa when I see her pacing in front of her car, her words flying out of her mouth a mile a minute.

I shut the door. She can see herself in.

I follow my mother into the kitchen as she turns on the oven and gets out glasses and plates.