Page 31 of House Rules



"Abbie,is that really you? I haven't heard from you in ages!"

Abbie's infectious laugh trickles down the work phone as I wait for my next Thursday morning patient. She's my closest friend from college. "I know. I'm a shitty friend lately. I've been meaning to call but work is crazy busy."

"You're not a shitty friend. Life is busy. How is your job going?" I close my laptop as I lean back in my chair. Ten minutes until my next patient arrives. Plenty of time for gossip.

"Great. I scored a big promotion a month ago; the one I'd hoped for. I worked my ass off climbing this damned corporate ladder. With more money comes more headaches, so I've been learning the ropes and putting out fires along with sixty-hour work weeks."

Abbie studied business in college, her dreams of running a big corporation not too far out of reach now. I'm sure she'll be heading that fortune 500 company she works for sooner than she thinks.

"Sixty hours? Damn. All in the office?"

"Yep. I practically live here now. How's your practice going? I've heard good things."

"Really? It's great. I have a steady client base and there are always new patients available. Plus, my coworkers are nice and I love working for myself and not having to answer to anyone."

"That's awesome, Em. You deserve it. A couple of my employees have said the practice is nice and friendly."

"Oh, yeah? That's great to hear."

"So listen, there's a reason I'm calling."

"Wait—don't tell me. A boyfriend?"

Abbie laughs. "I wish. My luck isn't there when it comes to men. I've only gone out a few times, mainly due to work. But there's a speed dating event this weekend and that's why I was calling."

"Whoa, wait." I say, interrupting her before she can continue. "Speed dating?"

"Yes, and I want you to come with me. Unless you've found someone?"

"Ha, yeah, no luck for this girl, either. But, speed dating? I don't know..."

"Come on, Em! It'll be fun! A new experience. I've gone several times and had a blast. Even if you don't find someone to date, you still meet a lot of new people. Plus, we need to hang out. I've been having Emma withdrawals. I need my free therapy, you know."

I laugh. "Is that all I'm good for?"

Abbie chuckles. "Of course not. I love you and your advice."

"I'm glad someone does. I'll think about the speed dating event and let you know. We could get dinner and drinks, instead."

"Let's be adventurous! Come on, Em, please?"

I mull over the decision in my head. What will it hurt? Get out there and have some fun.

"We can ask Sarah, too." Abbie says while I debate. "Em?"

"Sorry, I'm here. I'm thinking, can't you hear the wheels turning?"

"Oh boy, watch out."

"I'd love to ask Sarah but she's dating a new guy."

"Ahh! Really? I need details."

My work phone buzzes and Faye's name flashes. Must be my next patient.