Page 32 of House Rules

"Hold on one second," I say to Abbie as I pick up the receiver. "Yes, Faye?"

"Hi Emma, your next appointment is here." Faye says.

"Okay, I'll be right out. Thanks." I hang up and go back to Abbie.

"I've gotta go. Duty calls. I'll let you know by tomorrow, okay?"

"All right, Em. I'm hoping you say yes. I'll be bugging you. I need to know about Sarah, too!" She laughs as she hangs up. Abbie was always the funny, adventurous, outgoing one of my friends in school. She would have us all in stitches over her jokes and crazy antics. It's refreshing to hear from her.

I grew up with Sarah and while she attended a local college at home, she would often come visit me and she naturally fit into my group of friends at school. Abbie and she bonded, and the three of us were together often. We had a couple of crazy spring breaks and summer vacations.

Speed dating, though? I'm not too sure.

* * *

"I'm not doing well, Emma."Connie says as soon she sits down on my office couch. Her skin is pale, her hair greasy and hanging limp around her face. Her usual put together look is gone today. Instead, she seems to have not showered in days.

"What's going on? Dan still bothering you?" I sit down across from her as I study her face.

She shakes her head but her gaze won't meet mine. Her right leg jiggles, her hands twist in her lap. Something is going on.

"Connie? Look at me, let me see your face."

"What?" She looks up at me for a brief moment but her eyes shift away again.

"You're not telling me something. Are you okay?" I stand and walk over to her, taking a seat beside her.

"I'm not doing well." Connie whispers, but doesn't offer more.

I sit there and wait. She'll tell me when she's ready. For now, my mere presence is enough to comfort her.

Her body shivers as a sob racks her body. I rub her back gently. My heart breaks for her. The clock ticks by; the minutes pass slowly.

"I... I..." Connie takes a deep breath. "I tried to end my life the other night."

"Oh, Connie." I breathe. "What happened?"

She cries for a minute before speaking again. She sniffles and hiccups as the tears continue to fall. "I took a bunch of pills, hoping I wouldn't wake up. But unfortunately, I did."

"I'm glad you did. Ending your life is final. There're no second chances."

"I don't want a second chance," Connie cries, "I want to be done with my time on Earth."

"Why? Why do you feel this way?"

"Dan won't leave me alone. He threatened to kidnap me and drag me across the country if I went to the police again."

"You can't listen to him. He's saying those things so you won't go. But, you have to. The police will protect you."

"No, they won't Emma. They won't. He will come and get me. He will find me." Connie yells as she stands. "I'm not safe anywhere. I'm scared, I'm sad, I'm alone. I'm always alone, except when Dan comes over. He puts his nasty hands all over me... and I... I can't fight him off."

I stand and take Connie's hand. "Connie, listen to me. Let me help you."

"No." She rips her hand from my grasp. She heads to the door but I dart in front of her, blocking her way.

"I need to go. I have to get out of here." Connie says, her eyes frantic.

"No, wait, let's talk about this." I go to take her hand, but she screams and cries as she cowers to the floor. What has he done to her?